Thursday, December 20, 2007

Soup's On!

Remember my decorating consultant, Missy? I don't think I mentioned, but she's also, on occasion, my food consultant. Missy and I were talking the other day about possible soups I could make for my son who doesn't like onions, and she mentioned a pasta/meatball soup that sounded good.

Today I didn't feel well and came home from work early. No big deal--I just think it's a combination of lack of sleep and hormonal fluctuations. In any event, I was pretty sure that putting on my jammies and climbing into bed for a nice little nap would help me feel much better, so that's exactly what I did. But first I spent about 10 minutes hauling out the crockpot and tossing some soup ingredients in. I turned the crockpot on high, took my nap, and about three hours later, we had a delicious, hearty winter soup. I thought I'd share the recipe with you--it's really perfect for these chilly winter nights! Simple, too, to put in the crockpot to cook while you go quilt, take a nap, or do whatever other important things you may have to do.

Chicken stock/broth--use about three of those "milk carton" containers of stock that the grocery stores are carrying now. I like to keep a couple in my pantry for quick soups. Or you can use a couple of the big cans of chicken stock. Or three or four of the smaller cans.

Turkey meatballs--one package of frozen meatballs. I'm sure that you could use any type of meatballs but the frozen turkey ones are convenient and don't add as much fat/grease to the broth.

Tortellini--a couple packages of the fresh kind. I actually used two 7 oz. packages of mini cheese raviolis.

Spinach--a bag of baby spinach from the salad/lettuce section of the grocery store.

Any other veggies you like--I added a handful or two of those baby carrots that come in the bags all ready to munch. I just sliced them in half.

Seasoning--whatever you like. I have a seasoning mix for soups that I like to add, but it's not a national brand, so there's probably no point in telling you what it is. But do add salt and pepper to taste and maybe some garlic, rosemary, thyme, a little oregano--whatever suits your fancy.

Put everything in the crockpot and cook--it took about three hours on high; allow about five to six hours on low.

Sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese on the soup and serve with crusty French bread. Yum! Bon appetit! And thanks, Missy!


  1. My mouth is watering now!! Thank you for sharing the recipe, and such a simple one at that!
    I hope you are feeling better, Kim! Christmas time and hormones - what a combination! I truly understand.

  2. Sounds yummy , Kim and me sitting here eating a leftover piece of pizza for lunch. Yours sounds a lot better. But DH wouldn't eat it, No pasta for him. Hope you get feeling better.

  3. Sounds great Kim!
    Thanks for sharing the recipe. Nothing I like better than a good slow cooker meal.

    Hope you get feeling better with a little rest. Lord knows you probably need a time out!

  4. What a yummy, yummy recipe. Think I will try it this weekend. Hope that you get to feeling better.

  5. Soup sounds good about right now. It's windy and cold over here. You know I'm with your son, hate onions!!!
    Hope your feeling better soon.

  6. Oh, my, that sounds yummy! Too bad I don't cook -- well, I would cook, but I don't know where the kitchen is in my house! In fact, I'm still looking for the perfect house, but they all come with those silly kitchens! Sorry, I get easily sidetracked!

    All kidding aside, I might actually make this one. Could I leave out the spinach?

  7. My DH can't hve onions...but dried ones don't worry him and I use them in my soups...the flavour isn't overpowering and may be worth a try.
    I can see I will have to invest in a stockpot, I like the idea of sleeping while they work!
    That red and white quilt looks fantastic, as does jennifer's new book...I am so far behind on her books now, I will never catch up.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!