Friday, December 28, 2007

The New and Improved 2008 Me!

Having just said in yesterday's post that I was only going to make quilts I really, really, really like, what did I do today? I signed up for a BOM class that starts January 14th! Rather impulsive maybe? Well, actually, it's not really. This is a quilt I've been looking at on the quilt shop wall for the past several months and I've blogged about it before. It's one of those that fits into the "really cute Christmas quilt" category. I'll post another photo of it in case you missed it last time--it's called Christmas List. And yes, Sharon, as a matter of fact, I DID steal the photo off your blog! Silly Sharon! It's one of Nancy No-Blog's quilts that Sharon coincidentally showed within days of my deciding I wanted to sign up to make the quilt, and I had no photo so I stole hers. Last time I posted the photo, Sharon couldn't figure out why the background looked so much like HER house! That was when I found out that Sharon often looks at our photos before she reads what we have to say!

And what do I have planned for the last few days of 2007? Did I hear you ask me that? Or was that the voices in my head again? Tomorrow (Saturday), in honor of my weekly Day of Beauty routine, I might pluck a few stray eyebrow hairs, including the ones that have migrated down to my chin. After all, I'd really like to glide the new year looking my fabulous best! In fact, I might even clip my toe nails! And when I get tired of all that pampering, I'll wander into the Sweat Shop and work on the quilt I'm making for my brother and his wife for Christmas. Yes, I DO know that I'm late--I'm very, very late! But we won't be getting together with them for a few more weeks, so I hope to have it completed in time. Here's the pattern I'm using, and I'm planning to use Kansas Troubles fabrics from my stash.

I'll post a few photos of blocks as I go along, once I figure out what I'm doing.

And sometime this long, holiday weekend, I'll be making homemade tamales. When I get around to that, I'll post a few photos, give you the recipe, and tell you the story about why I make tamales every year. Right now, though, I'm masa-challenged. Once again, for the second year in a row, my local, neighborhood Safeway is not carrying masa flour (perhaps in an effort to curb illegal immigration?! If there's no masa, they won't come?!). That means I'm going to have to go to the immense trouble of sending my husband out on a masa hunt. Geez it's hard on me when I have to do that! He's actually a good sport about it--he knows that somewhere at the end of the hunt, there will be the most delicious tamales on Earth! And really, you absolutely have NOT had good tamales unless you've had homemade--they're nothing like what you get frozen in the grocery store or even in the Mexican restaurants. Homemade tamales are seriously TO DIE FOR--literally and figuratively! They aren't necessarily the heart-healthiest thing in the world, but we're still in that not-quite-serious-about-what-we-eat-as-long-as-it-tastes-good season. Give us another week or two and we'll forsake tamales and chocolate and whatever else might have snuck home in my grocery cart the last couple weeks, but for now, we'll eat tamales and the heck with the consequences! Ole and cha-cha-cha!


  1. I love this quilt! good for you taking the class, that will be fun. Will you be using your own stash to make the quilt????
    or is there a kit too?

  2. OMG, I've loved that quilt since Sharon had it posted...I'm calling today and see if I can do it through the mail...Andy and I were just talking last night that this is our last days to eat "not such good stuff"...then I'll clean everything "holiday" out and we'll go back to eating right again.

  3. I love that quilt, Kim! You guys have to let us know the pattern name and where to order it!

    One of the ladies at the office brings in homemade tamales on the last day of work before Christmas. And this is the third year in a row that they were all gone before I got a taste! Will you send me one? (Is my whining convincing enough for you?) :

    Have fun this weekend!!

  4. I see why you could not resist the quilt. Hope you enjoy every minute of it.

  5. I will be anxiously watching your progress on this new BOM - it's a cutie. No, not tempted here. LOL

    I haven't had homemade tamales in years - YUM! My grandmother used to make the best. Sigh!

  6. I see Kim, why you want to do that quilt. It is YOU. Now I wonder how you will change it.
    Oh, you talking about those tamales again. Send me some . Do you roll them in corn silks? That's the way I remember from when I was a child, many, mnay years ago in Turlock.

  7. The Christmas quilt is so cute. You should have lots of fun making it. I am looking forward to the tamale recipe. I have begged some of my friends to show me how to make them and they just say that tamales are a lot of work and I really don't want to learn how to make them. I can't convince them I want to learn!

  8. Ooooh, oooh, I do LOVE that quilt!!! Can't wait to see you get started on it! :)

  9. Can you please send me some tamales?? Thank you!! And I see your using my photos once again. I'm gonna have to put a disclaimer on my blog saying please do NOT use my photos. ROFLOL!!! This time you didn't fool me I noticed quickly that it was indeed MY house. Country Loft does have those patterns if you call them. I just talked to them about it when I went there last week. One of there employees designed that quilt.

  10. I have a great recipe for homemade tamales, too, Kim, but much simpler than yours, I'm sure. Every couple of weeks I get a knock on my door and there stands the cutest little boy with big brown eyes asking me if I want to buy tamales today. $10 a dozen...not bad! Have fun making yours! LOL!


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