Monday, December 17, 2007

A Little "Taste"

Remember those stacks of red and white strips? Well, I can't show you the quilt top just yet because it's a gift, but I CAN show you just a bit of it. There's a center piece that you can't see (except for a bit of the border at the top of the photo) because I think that would give away who it's for, but I took a photo of the bottom section that I'm working on quilting to give you a little idea. I'm quilting free-form feathers in each of the braid sections. I'm HUGELY pleased with the way this is turning out and I'll show you a picture of the full quilt by the weekend.

We had a lovely time at Lisa's house on Saturday night. The food was good, the company was excellent--what more could you ask for? The younger generation had to listen to some of our old stories once again, but I think they enjoy it, and we have a good time remembering and laughing.

Now it's back to work today for me. I think I'll be spending lunch hours this week running in and out of stores, shopping for Christmas gifts, and spending evenings quilting. Thanks for coming by to visit me today!


  1. Oh, that's stunning! Some lucky person is going to be very, very happy! :-)

  2. what a beautiful quilt!
    the quilting is coming out wonderful, great feathers!~

  3. You quilt beautifully! I love the feathers. Ahh...maybe someday I will be able to do that too..

  4. Awww, how'd you know red is my favorite color? Wait, you mean it's not for me? Drat! It's really beautiful, and your feathers are so nice!! I'm way impressed!

  5. I bought a "braids" book at the Jinny Beyer studio a few weeks ago and looking at that book is making me itch to bust it out! That quilt looks awesome. Great job!

  6. Somebody's gonna love it!!! And did I tell you that red is my favorite color??? Did I??

  7. Oooooh - thank you SO much for the sneak peek! The quilt is gorgeous and the quilting is divine! You definitely are a very talented lady!

  8. That looks wonderful. What a lucky person, whoever is getting it. :)


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