Tuesday, November 27, 2007

More Christmas

Are you getting tired of my decorating yet? I am! But frankly I'm just too pooped tonight to think of anything else to entertain you with, so I'll give you a few more photos. (I still have two more trees to decorate plus a little more--just a warning of what's to come!)

My son's room. Doesn't that photo look blurry or is it just my tired eyes? The camera didn't TELL me the photo was blurry!

I had to move my unfinished quilt tops into a larger basket, so I decided to decorate it while I was at it. Sure makes me feel less guilty if I can turn unfinished "work" into something pretty! But yep, there are a bunch of rolled up quilt tops hiding behind those pinecones and stuffed animals! I'm such a slacker!

Another photo that catches those alien red balls on my tree. Really, though, I was taking the photo to show you the quilt--I don't think I showed you this one before. This is a Thimbleberries pattern (Starlight Pines) that I half sized--and it's still big enough for a throw.

The kitchen tree so far. I think I'm taking the pinecone/berries off and using those for the tree in the Sweat Shop, but I'm waiting to get a box of lime green ornaments and a box of turquoise blue ornaments I ordered. So, this is still a work in progress, but mainly I wanted to show you the tree skirt I made from Marcie's cute, free pattern. The Holly Jolly "It's a Wrap" quilt will hang on the wall behind the tree once I get it quilted.

The Christmas quilt hanging on my bedroom wall. This is one I made a couple years ago.

Guess what? I think I've figured out what to do about the slighly barren look of the space where I have my Holly Jolly letters. I remember seeing some flat-ish glittery snowflake ornaments at Target in these colors I'm using. I think I'll stop by on my way home from work and see what I can get. I should be able to use some tiny nails to hang them around the letters and spark that area up a bit.

And guess what else? Today I went to JoAnn's where I found they have 3-packs of Christmas trees on sale--you get a 2' tree, a 3' tree, and a 4' tree for about $15. Of course, one of those boxes came home with me. I needed one--maybe two--trees but I couldn't pass up a deal, so I settled for three. They also had some fun Debbie Mumm Christmas "stuff." A couple of Christmas dish towels, a quartet of snowmen ornaments sitting on jingle bells, and a platter with a penguin came home with me too. Shhhhh! Don't tell my husband about that platter! He has fits when I bring new dishes into the house. He's not real observant sometimes, so it might be a few days before he notices the platter sitting in my hutch and then I can tell him I've had it for awhile! Then again, sometimes he notices things right away. He DOES enjoy the decorations and sometimes he'll wander around looking at things, but he's already given the hutch the once over, so maybe he won't look at it again for awhile. We can only hope.

Okay, bedtime for me--tomorrow's another work day, darn it! Oh, and a special preview just for you: If you've avidly followed my Saturday Day of Beauty posts and have missed me posting anything for the last several weeks, I'm seriously considering shaving my legs on Saturday, even if it means a loss of warmth in my lower extremities. So, if you're following along on this routine with me, sharpen up that razor or get out the Ginsu knives, because it's been awhile now and we'll probably need some sharp blades for cutting down that forest we've been nurturing. But I figure it's always nice to pay special attention to personal hygiene and beauty during the holiday season, don't you think?

Finally, don't forget the next section of the Hometown Christmas quilt is "due" by the end of the week. Sharon, are you listening? Sharon? Go on over and ask Sharon to show you her Hometown Christmas, okay? "See" you tomorrow!


  1. I finally started dragging out my own decorations!

    I forgot how many Santa's I've already made until I started opening crates...geez... where oh where will I put everything??? Maybe I need to rethink the Santa doll quilt club I signed up for????

    Inside decorations look fantastic! Now get busy on the outside!!! LOL ;-)

  2. Kim just gorgeous, what else can I say!

  3. Everything looks so festive. Love the quilts. Wanted to tell you that I saw those Xmas balls in your green color at Walmart. DH thought I was nutz when I said I know someone looking for those. She lives in CA. He just gave me one of those weird looks. LOL! Men never understand. I won't start to decorate yet I wait until after the beginning of December. I don't think it's as much funsince the DGK's are older.

    Linda Z

  4. WOW, Kim you have done a lot. Looks great. are you ready for the Martha Stewart photo shoot now?

    Your Tree quilt looks great hung over the couch. Will you hollar when someone curls up with it? Like DSIL?

  5. It all looks so ready for the holiday, and I absolutely *love* the idea of rolling up your quilt tops that way, and decorating them!

  6. Such fun! (and if I were as much of a slacker as you are, I would be getting a whole heck of a lot more done!)

  7. Love the decorating! I aspire to get that many things accomplished.

    Saturday is leg shaving day, huh? Lol that was funny!

  8. Does this mean you get to take it down early too? Really nice! You are ahead of the game! More time for sewing!!!yeehaw!!!! Thimbelanna made me do it!:)

  9. Things are looking better and better every day, Kim. I do have to admit that I would never go the the trouble of decorating my son's bedroom for Christmas...even if he did live here. LOL!

  10. If you're a slacker, then I'm a total couch potato! Once again, everything is just too pretty! Please come to my house and help me decorate!! Pleeze??????
    I love the basket full of quilt tops and stuffed animals - very clever!

  11. Ooh! I LOVE that Starlight Pines quilt! Wow!

    My LLBean balsam wreath arrived today and it's on the front door. Beyond that? I got nuthin! I have hit four quilt stores in three states in the last three days. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice. :)


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