Sunday, November 18, 2007

Me Again!

Second post today! I just wanted to say real quick-like and not take up too much of your time that I'm sure getting excited about decorating for Christmas. Seeing all the lovely photos out in Blogland of what some of you are doing (or buying or making) is totally and completely inspirational--I have so many ideas, I'm sure I won't be ready for Christmas until February!

And did you all see Kairle's blog the last couple days? I've been drooling over her photos, and if it wasn't the peak holiday travel season, and if I didn't have to cook and serve our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, I'd hop on a plane from Sacramento to Salt Lake and make her take me shopping.

One of the shops she talks about, Broadbent's, has to be one of my favorite shops of all time--so many neat things to decorate with and at good prices too, not to mention the fact that there's a quilt shop in the store. I was lucky enough to shop at Broadbent's when I visited Kairle last year. Unfortunately, she had not yet discovered the other shop she talks about, Scrooge and Marley's. If there's anything like those two shops here in Sacramento, I sure don't know about them. Well, there's the William Glenn store, but I don't count that because their prices aren't nearly as good as the shops in Kairle's blog.

So, instead I'm heading out to Target. I love Target. I love Broadbent's more, but Target will have to satisfy my craving for retail therapy. I think I read in someone's comments on somebody's blog where they referred to Target as the "Hundred Dollar Store." So true, isn't it? And just to be on the safe side, I activated my new Target credit card that was sent to replace the one that expired. Tis the season to carry plastic, fa-la-la-la-la!


  1. Target is dangerous -- but I have the feeling Broadbent's and Scrooge and Marley's would be more dangerous! Have fun looking for decorations!

  2. How fun to read your post and see you talking about Broadbents and Scrooge and Marley's. My aunt takes me to those shops when I visit her -- they are so fun!

  3. Don't those shops look fabulous! I may have to plan a trip to Utah!(Pretend I'm going to visit my son, who actually lives near Kairle). As for me and my house, we will also be at Target!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!