Friday, November 9, 2007

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie . . . .

Giving a mouse a cookie is one thing, but how in the heck do you give antibiotic pills to a cat? I'm starting to think it would be a whole lot simpler just to kill the stupid cat! Oh! Do I still sound grumpy? Well I'm not--or I wasn't until I had to battle the cat this morning.

I'm tempted to call into work and tell them I can't make it in today because my hands have been mangled by a pack of wild animals. I have proof too! One hand has all kinds of scratches and small puncture marks while the other hand has three or four good holes in the thumb made by cat teeth. And it took four--FOUR!--times today before I got the pill far enough into her throat for her to swallow it and not spit it out. Sheesh!

I hear they have liquid antibiotics that taste good. I think my vet hates me.

So, am I doing this wrong? Is there an easier way? It's not so much the part about holding the cat--it's mainly the part where you get her jaws open and try to stick the pill far enough into her throat before she makes a meal of your fingers--that's the killer! And no, I can't hide the pill in food--she probably wouldn't eat it and if she did, I'm pretty sure she'd delicately eat around the pill.

That's the devil cat up there--a photo I took of her last spring after she helped my husband with his baking. Any suggestions would be appreciated. We're on day six of a ten day course of these pills, and at the rate we're going, by Tuesday, I fully expect my hands will be too mangled to quilt. Or they'll be infected and fall off.


  1. I feel your pain. We had a cat that we had to do that to some. What I did was I got the pill in his mouth, held his mouth shut, tipped his head up and stroked this throat until he swallowed it. You have to get the pill on his tongue, though. Hope this helps!

  2. If you put the pill at the back of the tongue and close the mouth--hold the mouth shut while stroking the throat, the cat will have to swallow. Stroking the throat encourages the swallowing reflex. Holding the jaw shut ensures that the pill isn't spit out. You do have to be quick though! :)
    Good luck!

  3. Hide the pill in the cookie you give to the mouse.... if that doesn't take care of it, then she's not earning her keep anyway so you're allowed to shoot the cat. At least I think that's the law...obviously I don't have any cats! LOL ;-)

  4. I use the hold mouth shut and stroke the throat method to make the cat swollow method. I also have used the thin sliced turkey breast meat theory. Small amount with the pill rolled inside usually works everytime. Leather gloves help protect hands from naughty feline scratches. Good luck ;-)

  5. I am so sorry that Killer doesn't appreciate what you are doing for him. I have no advice, but the leather gloves sound good.

  6. It's the getting the pill on the tongue part that's the hardest. If you are right handed, put your left hand on the back of the cat's head and put your thumb in the right side of the cat's jaw (waaay back) and your middle finger (or whichever is longest) on the left side of kitty's jaw (way back). This forces the jaw/mouth open without harm to you or kitty. Put the pill on the tongue, close kitty's mouth and hold shut while stroking the throat. Now do this while avoiding the claws. I used to sit tailor-fashion and put kitty in between my legs so I could contain him and stay away from his claws.
    Good Luck!

  7. I agree with the others...we use the "put on tongue, hold jaw closed,stroke throat" method. I'm ready to wring MY cat's neck this a.m. We were up till 1am looking for him all over the neighborhood! We gave up and went to bed...and of course THEN he comes trotting home, with mud caked paws! Oddly, he's never the cat that does this..usually its the other, who of course was a good boy and came home when called!

  8. Everyone has given you good advice there...I was going to say the same thing. I suppose a cat treat chaser wouldn't hurt either :o)

  9. I feel your pain, we had a cat once that had to have some medicine this way. We used the hold mouth shut and stroke. Was hard to stroke when I wanted to strangle. LOL Our youngest son is allergic to cats so I no longer have to put up with them. I am not much of a cat lover, give me a dog any day. Good Luck!!! Try the leather gloves.

  10. Geeze Kim....I don't think I would want to have to deal with that mean old looking kitty I'm sorry you have to go through this....really I am!

  11. Can't you put the medicine in the food? Is this your cat?? It looks evil. LOL!!! Well it does. Did you pick that cat up while out trick or treating??

  12. You might try pill pockets. My cat who gave me a lot of trouble with pills, liked them. I found them at my local pet supply store.

  13. Hi Aunt Kim!!

    Best way to avoid the claws - wrap the cat in a big towel, with just his face sticking out. Have someone else hold him, or have the other person stick the pill in their throat. When they are wrapped up they can't fight, and it can even help calm them down too.

  14. Ok, I shouldn't be laughing at you. I really shouldn't. I should have sympathy -- because, well, I've been there. Done that. Hated every minute of it. And since I'm behind on my reading/commenting I know that you have already finished with this -- but suggestion for next time? A large bath towel wrapped around the cat -- and a two person operation!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!