Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

Are you going--or have you already been--shopping today? The biggest shopping day of the year and I hear that one quarter of the U.S. population will go shopping. I'm very tempted because of all the hype, but I think I'll stay home. Goodness knows that after the last several days, I'm pretty well shopped out! In any event, I have some quilting things to do and I think my only trip out will be to the post office. Besides, my husband threw out the newspaper before I could look at the ads. Do you think he planned it that way?!

I hope those of you here in the U.S. who celebrated Thanksgiving had a wonderful day filled with family and friends. We spent a quiet day doing things around the house and then went to my in-laws' house for dessert in the evening. My husband baked two pumpkin pies to take along, and they were yummy! Because dessert was at 6 p.m. and we didn't have our turkey sandwiches for lunch until around 2 p.m., we ended up having our dinner after we got home from dessert! Backward, I know, but it worked out well.

There's still no real, all-out decorating going on here as I've continued to clean and get the house ready to decorate. I spent most of Thanksgiving day cleaning out my craft and junk closet in my son's room as well as some of the other drawers and places I store things in there. Looking at some of the craft stuff I still had brought back memories of the '80s! I took out a couple large bags of trash and emptied a few storage containers, and when I finished, the closet looked much like it did before I started. Somehow that doesn't seem quite fair! But at least now I know what I have in there and where it is.

After we got back home from visiting relatives, I went into the Sweat Shop and played around with my big wooden letters, trying out different techniques with paper, stickers, inks, and stamping.

I couldn't get a good photo that really showed the true colors, but I think you get the idea. I'm reasonably happy with my first efforts at playing around with these materials.

I think I'll either put these up on a shelf that can be seen from the front door or I'll put them in the living room somewhere. I think. I'll have to play around with different ideas and decide where I like them best.

I have more letters that are smaller and will spell Holly Jolly. I think I'll just paint those, and I'd like to somehow mount them on the wall over my stove. Any ideas on how to do that? I can't think of anything temporary that wouldn't be affected by the warmth of the stove and oven. The letters in "Holly" are smaller than "Jolly" and I was thinking maybe pins stuck in the wall would be reasonably invisible but strong enough to hold up the smaller letters, but I'd probably need small nails for the larger letters. Or maybe I'll think of a completely different plan by the time I get them done--who knows?!

If you're braving the shopping crowds today, I wish you good luck and good deals! Thanks for stopping in to visit with me!


  1. Looks cute,Kim. Not very Christasy in colors through but of course your'e going lime green this year. LOL

  2. I'm staying right
    I love your Noel...I don't have any bright ideas for hanging the others. Have fun with your projects.

  3. I'm staying home - no shopping for me today!

    Those letters are beautiful. I can't wait to see Holly Jolly.

  4. Your letters are very pretty, sort of Victorian colors or something. Nice! And my husband and I said we are going nowhere near a mall today, but we are going fishing!

  5. I would love to go shopping but not today...I have work to do.

    Your letters are wonderful. I like how you decorated them.

  6. Well, I wasn't planning on going to town, but now I have to do some letters like those!! Is that decopage? It's so pretty!

  7. This is the first year in many that I stated home. Just to cold to stand outside. I love your letters they turned out great.

  8. For hanging up those letters, how about used sewing machine needles? I have used them to hang stuff. They make a smaller hole than a push pin or even a small finishing nail and they are very strong. I save used machine needles in an old RX bottle so I have them if I need one.

  9. Lovely letters Kim! I did do some shopping -- but, am already done (2 stops -- Target for some things we needed and Joann's for some really great deals for things I need to finish Christmas presents). Now it's time to play!

  10. I don't think I would go shopping today if they were giving the stuff away! It is a good day to go to the grocery store tho. Now I want some of those letters, like I need them, LOL. I wanna decoupage some fabric on them. Cute!

  11. I stayed home and loved it. Your letters are so pretty! I haven't decoupaged in years and seeing your letters brought back a lot of fun memories crafting with my mom and sisters. Maybe I'll make some, too!

  12. Is it like post Christmas sales?
    Love the letters and keep going with that organizing, you wont have to clean again for months lol!! Tracey

  13. I know you won't believe me but.....I did NOT go shopping today. However I did have Nancy shop for me at JoAnns. LOL She called and asked so I had her pick up two boxes of lights for two of my small trees. I've not been out shopping since Tuesday. I'm having withdrawals, yes that's right I am!!!
    Our Easter ham was delicious!!! LOL had ham sandwiches for dinner tonight and it was sooo good.

  14. Hullo - it's me! Far behind as usual, but I was without internet for 3 full days - it was like living in a cave! Ah well, I digress!
    I did not go shopping - it is not a fun thing to me to shop in crowded places, so I don't. Sounds like you had a wonderful Turkey Day!
    Love the letter - they are very festive!

  15. I love your version of Starlight Pines, Kim. Better than the original. I think you enter a contest somewhere and win so people will notice you as a designer -- like happened to Kim Diehl. You are so talented!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!