Thursday, November 15, 2007

Back to . . . uh . . . Normal?

Thanks for all your good wishes on my swift recovery from the agony of low back pain! They seem to have worked. Either that or it was the ice, Vicodin, and chocolate. Do you think it's like antibiotics, by the way, where you have to keep up the medication a full ten days even though you're feeling better? I'll go with "yes." So another eight or nine days of chocolate and Vicodin. Poor me!

I made it though a full day of work AND a Thimbleberries Club meeting after that. The RJR representative came to our meeting bearing fabric samples, and as you can imagine, I didn't want to miss that! Thimbleberries is coming out with a spring line that I liked. They'll also be coming out with four new Cover Story panels. I should have brought my camera. Blame my oversight on the Vicodin. I guess you'll just have to wait to see it.

When I was a kid and was sick in bed, my mom would often come home from work with a brand new sticker book so I'd have something to keep me busy while I recuperated. I loved licking those stickers and putting them in the right spots in the book and then coloring the rest. I blame her for any tendency toward hypochondria I may have now, of course. (I'm glad to say that my grandma's mustard plasters don't seem to have left any lingering impressions, however.) Carrying on the tradition my mother began, I decided I probably ought to buy myself some new fabric tonight--just in case that back pain came back to bother me. Finally I have a couple photos for you. (I did think last night about posting a photo of my ceiling so you could see what I'VE been seeing for the last couple days, but decided against it.) So, first is the fabric I bought--three pieces of 1800s repros. I also bought--but didn't take a photo of--a lime green from the Scaredy Cat line at 50% off, but it would have clashed with these lovely fabrics.

I really like that center fabric by Jo Morton. I'm not sure what I'll do with it, but I think whatever I make would look very nice with my living room Christmas decor. I'm just not certain it will find its way into my living room THIS year. Maybe though.

Oh, and I finished something--which also justifies the fabric purchase, don't you think? Replenishing supplies? Or maybe it's a supply and demand kind of thing?

Anyway, this is just a simple Thimbleberries pattern that I started at the Thimbleberries "camp" that was held at my local quilt shop about a month ago. You can't really see the quilting, but it's fairly simple--just crosses through the 9-patches and stitch in the ditch for the borders. I did quilt stencil patterns in the larger center blocks and the border, but you can't really see them. I'm thinking this will be a Christmas gift for someone--can't say who just in case that person reads my blog. I don't think so, but you never know.

The next project I'm working on is for a tree skirt exchange that my online Thimbleberries group is doing. I've pieced my tree skirt but I still need to add the applique. I have the pieces ready to sew on and hope to get that done in the next day or two; then I'll just need to quilt it and bind it. Progress feels good. It sure feels a lot better than looking at the ceiling and wishing I could sew instead! I'm signing out now, so I can go find my ice, chocolate, and Vicodin. I wouldn't want to suffer a set back. Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Pretty fabric there. I like that little quilt too. I'm starting to make more quilts that are just simple patterns so I can get them done and use them, that's a good pattern for that.

    My grandmother had some odd home remedy things I was always required to follow when I stayed at her house. Every morning she'd blend me up a glass of chocolate milk and raw eggs and make me swill it, yuck! Can we say salmonella!?

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better. I think you were carrying too much chocolate to the T'berries meeting and couldn't carry your camera, too. Blame it on the vicodin, puhleeze - we know it was the chocolate. LOL

    Love the new fabric! And, your 'finished' quilt is wonderful. I won't say it - no I won't (for me?) ROFLOL

  3. Glad the old back (now I'm not calling you old :-)!) is better. I recommend keeping up the chocolate and the vicodin!! My mom use to get me sticker books also when I was sick and make me a cuddle spot on the couch! My daughter wasn't feeling well a while back and said she missed me making the cuddle spot for her!

  4. I like the way you think -- chocolate, vicodin, and pressies to make the boo-boo go away!!! Glad you're feeling better. How impressive is that quilt done in a month??? You're a speed quilter!

  5. Darlene...she said the person might read her blog, not does read it......

    I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better. I love your quilt and your goodies. Will you be needing my address?

  6. Boy, Kim, you get more accomplished when you're down than I ever do at full speed. I can't figure out how that works!

    Glad you're feeling better!

  7. Glad your feeling better. But I really did want to see that ceiling photo!! Do you have posters on it??? LMAO!!! Love the new fabric too. Jo's fabric is wonderful.

  8. Very pretty fabric - you absolutely MUST replenish your stash! Your quilt and quilting are beautiful. I love the blue border - it brings out the blue in the blocks very nicely.
    By all means, keep up with the Vicodin and chocolate!


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