Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What's Black and White and Hops All Over?

Last night, our favorite Italian restaurant was having a take out special in honor of Columbus Day--buy one pasta entree, get the second free. Since it was the last day of our vacation, and I was busy making a complete and total mess of the kitchen, I sent my husband off around 6:30 to pick up dinner. Just as I was starting to get concerned by around 8:15 when he hadn't returned, he walked in the door carrying our meal. As it turned out, he and a lady behind him had to wait well over an hour for their orders. To tell you the truth, it really didn't bother me much since I was battling the huge pot of dark brown ooze otherwise known as apple butter, but my husband was none too pleased. Still, they did give us our dinner for free, along with two coupons for a free appetizer or dessert. And by then, I was about done with my canning, so I could sit down and enjoy the meal--and watch the last couple minutes of the Monday night football game, which was the most exciting part.

This morning I stepped out onto our back patio to see a black and white bunny rabbit. It took a few seconds to register that it was a bunny and not a cat, but when I turned to go get my camera, the furry bundle of fluff hopped off. Now I wonder: Was it a hallucination? After all, we don't get a whole lot of bunnies hopping around in suburban Sacramento yards. Maybe I'm running a fever? Maybe I should call in sick to work?


  1. Well at least you didn't see a pink elephant. LOL

  2. DD and I saw a squirrel the other day when I went to pick her up from ballet lessons. We don't usually have squirrels living iIn area. Hmmm...

    I bet somebody's pet, Fluffy, got out of its pen!

  3. You scared the poor bunny. Definitely call in sick.

    Linda Z

  4. Ooh, I miss the end of MNF being at a reasonable hour. It was a great game, but ended pretty late! One of the disadvantages of Eastern Time. :)

  5. ok what are REALLY cooking in those pots????? ;-)

  6. Maybe it was the fumes from the brown ooze....maybe you do need a mental health day. LOL!

  7. you're lucky -- last time I stepped out and saw something black and white in the early morning, it was a skunk!

  8. I think your hubby slipped something in your food. Yea that's what I think. LOL!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!