Saturday, October 6, 2007

I'm Ba-a-a-a-a-ack!

I missed all of you while I was gone, but we had a nice trip and saw some really beautiful scenery! I'll tell you more about it tomorrow and share a few photos. Remember, I'm not much of a photographer, so I'll have to see what photos I took that actually are worth sharing. Much of the time, I was too awestruck by the scenery, food, shopping, etc., to remember I needed to take photos to share with all of you!

Tonight, though, I'll share some photos of a few Hometown Christmas blocks. These were made by Julia, a gal here in Sacramento who is also working on the project but doesn't have her own blog where she can share them with you. Here are the blocks she's made so far:

Julia actually made two of the wreath blocks--one according to the directions in the book and one the way I made mine. They're both terrific!

Are all of you Hometown Christmas peeps working on your project? I have a Halloween quilt that I'm trying to finish quilting now, and once I'm done, I'll start on the next block, which is "due" by the 15th. For those of you playing along, feel free to either complete the last block in that first row (the cabin and tree like Julia made) or the next block in the book (the red cardinals). I think I'll work on the birds next. How about you?


  1. Gosh it was quiet while you were gone! Hope you had a good trip!

  2. Very cute blocks, they look so nice. Welcome home, I look forward to hearing all about your trip.

  3. Julia's blocks are wonderful!!! Looking forward to seeing photos and hearing about your trip.

  4. I'm gonna be in such big trouble with you. Still haven't found my kit which means haven't started it. LOL!!! Oh but don't you fret I'll catch up with all of you. Yes I will!!!
    I do love the wreath that you put in your quilt.
    Oh...........missed you! :-)

  5. Kim, what is the finished size of the wreath block the way you did it not the one from the pattern?

  6. Her blocks are awesome! And we can't wait to hear all about your latest big adventure!!! But, what? No mini cows? I was SO hoping you'd find one for me! LOL

  7. Nice job Julia! Welcome back Kim! I agree with Mar--it was quiet while you were gone! Hope your weekend is relaxing.

  8. Julia's blocks are beautiful. I hope you and your hubby had a great time. Sure was quiet around here! LOL

  9. Thanks for all the great comments. It is just so great of Kim to take the pictures and post them. I am being dragged into the 21st century a little at a time! I'm thinking of a digital camera for Christmas.....

    Welcome back Kim. NIce to know this trip was better than the last!
    Enjoy your last day off until you have to head back to work!


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