Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hey! Guess What Today Is?

No, it's not the day I shoot up and go looking for bunnies in the backyard! I just know one (or more) of you will come up with that guess!

Today is flu shot day! Woo-hoo! And no, I'm not being sarcastic. One of the nice little perks at my office is that they bring in a nurse once a year to administer flu shots to any of the employees who want them, and the firm foots the bill. We can also arrange shots for our family members (for a fee), and my husband will come in for one too. (I think if I pay extra, they might just let me administer it to him!)

I'm a firm believer in flu shots, although I know there are people who disagree and that's fine. But I CAN tell you that the two years we didn't get flu shots (once because of a shortage of the vaccine and once because we had a new office manager who forgot to make the arrangements), I got the flu and was sick as a dog and missed a week of work each time. Ugh!

I signed up for a Thimbleberries class on Friday night from 5 to 10 p.m. I just hope my arm isn't sore from the shot! I'd hate for anything to get in the way of a good time! Oh, and if I don't post to my blog on Friday, don't worry about me--I'll just be off, piecing up a storm! We'll be working on Christmas projects from this year's Thimbleberries Christmas Street book. Now that I feel like I have a handle on Halloween and Autumn, I'm starting to think about Christmas!


  1. Hey look, I'm first....LOL
    Good luck with that flu shot...I hate needles of that kind.
    Sounds like you are going to have a great Friday evening. :)

  2. Good for you. We got ours at the Dr.s office last Mon. and I didn't feel a thing from my arm. Yes, we must get them. Course I'm in that age group and DH is more since he has the breathing problems and heart condition. We haven't had the flu for years and always gotten the shots.

    Another evening at the QS, wonder what wonderful thing you'll find to buy this time.?

  3. Yes I am a true believer of flu shots. With the flu shot I got last year the first time I was sick was in September but I had brochitis and still have a little bit of the cough. That is a nice perk from your employer, I wish we did that

  4. I got my flu shot today also!! The last 3 years I've had one and haven't had the flu!!! Got mine at the grocery store, right in front of the frozen food isle :-)!

  5. ROFLOL. I thought you had joined the ranks of old women like me who need hormone shots! A flu shot is good! Thanks for the reminder to get mine! Have a great time at T'Berries!!!

  6. Lucky you to have such an easy way to get a flu shot! I have to get one every year, and since they don't do it at the doctor's office anymore, I have to go hunting for a place. Geez! Good for you! You gotta stay healthy for quality sewing time, right? RIGHT!!

  7. LMAO!!! Did Cheryl say she got her shot in the FROZEN FOOD aisle??? OMG LOL!!! Leave it to her. I agree with you the shot is a good thing. I used to get so sick each year. But I will say last year no shot and I didnt get sick. I'm debating about this year. Only thing is if I get sick I'll hear the old I TOLD YOU SO!!!


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