Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween and Other Fun Stuff

Did you all have a fun Halloween? If you haven't read my blog for long, then perhaps you don't know I work as a legal secretary. In keeping with our specialty, this year our office's Halloween theme was "Haunted Hospital." I thought I'd share a little bit of the festivities with you.

This is one of our senior partners. Every good law firm needs some dead guy's name on the letterhead, right?

Here's our bookkeeper. We like to keep her happy. We like money. She writes checks.

And one of our attorneys. Apparently he's a big fan of the TV show Scrubs and wanted to be The Todd. Okay, whatever.

So let me back up a second here. When I got to work this morning, I found a Halloween bag on my desk with these goodies inside. Yum!

Here's the Autopsy Room. Uh, I mean the kitchen. More yummy stuff was served here throughout the day. See the brain in the jar on the table? There were eyeballs floating in another jar on another table. Oh, yeah, and we invited that dead senior partner to lunch too! He was taking a little nap on the table.

I left work early and met my hubby at home, so we could change clothes and head out to dinner. Do you see some kind of eating trend here? We tried to keep dinner fairly light--we shared an appetizer of shrimp in a marinara sauce and then I had a spinach salad and he had some pasta. No photos--sorry!

After dinner, we headed over to Borders and I found a few books that needed to come home with me while hubby wandered over to the music section and listened to some tunes. I found a kind of cool magazine and will try to remember to get a photo tomorrow because I had some questions and wondered whether any of my bloggy friends might know the answers.

Halloween would not be complete without a stop at Starbucks for an iced latte. No photos of that either, but I'm pretty sure you've seen it before. Right? I think they're pretty much on every street corner now.

Finally, we came home and hubby sat in the dark (so as not to be bothered by trick or treaters) and watched TV while I headed into the Sweat Shop to finish section 4 of the Hometown Christmas quilt. Did I meet the deadline? Yep, sure did, thank you very much! I finished and had it up on the wall to take photos at 11:45! That's it there on the bottom.

Halloween's over now for another year, so I'm heading to bed before I turn into a pumpkin! Happy November!


  1. What a fun day at work you had! I love your mittens...what a clever girl you are...

  2. What a fun day you must have had. I wonder if much work was done. ?

    The mittens came out terrific. Great job.

  3. That sounds like a very fun day....did you dress up too? Love your's not enough that you finish on have to make it all wonderful too....LOL

  4. My first thought when I saw the lawyer's costume was, "It's the Todd, what a great costume!" Tell him his costume did not go unappreciated! :o) Looks like a great day was had!

  5. The 'dead guy' looks a bit familiar - I think he hit on me one time. LOL

    Love your mittens - you're so dang talented. I want to be you!

  6. I love your little mittens. They turned out darling!! What was your costume for the fun day at work?

  7. The mittens turned out so cute! Looks like you put that rick rack to work! Now, if I could just get you to knit me a pair! LOL!

  8. Wait!!! I just enlarged the picture of your treat bag (I mean that is the best part of the day, isn't it?) to make sure those were really White Rabbits on your desk. They are one of College Girl's favorite Japanese candies.

  9. Sounds like a fun day! When I worked many moons ago we didn't have Halloween dress up day! Thanks for sharing!

  10. what fun you had! Love the Hometown Christmas! I have the patterns! thats about it!

  11. Your Halloween looked fantastic, work really got into it, didn't they.
    Books looked good, I really like the one about hiding your clutter, sounds good to me! Tracey

  12. Ok, I know I'm behind here but I'll catch up with the reading. LOL What a fun day at your work. How cool!! Dr. Scrub is a cutie pie if I do say so myself. I think I'm feeling sick. Is there a doc in the house??
    Love those mittens on your quilt. Now those are adorable!!!!

  13. Your workplace looks like a lot of fun - that day, anyway, right? Love your mittens - they are the cutest!! The other block is very pretty. You do good work, ma'am!


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