Sunday, October 28, 2007


I got a little distracted after I last wrote early this afternoon. I decided it was high time to take a bath and get myself dressed. In the process, I found myself standing naked, staring into my closet, wondering what I might have to wear. (I figured I'd show you some strips sewn together, 'cause trust me on this, you really wouldn't want to see ME stripped, staring into the closet!)

My husband and I have been on this diet for a couple months now, and have lost a bit of weight. My clothes are getting pretty baggy and I just KNEW I had stuff in my closet that I haven't worn for several years--but I wasn't really sure what. So I pulled all my folded tops out of the closet and sorted through them. One thing led to another, and a few hours later, I had a HUGE box of stuff to donate to charity, a garbage can partly filled with old shoes, and two loads of clothes that were so dust-coated that I wanted to wash them before I even thought about whether to keep them or get rid of them.

After washing clothes, I had to try stuff on and sort it all into (1) donate, (2) put in the closet to wear, or (3) put in my daughter's closet for now until I lose a little more weight.

Besides the whole clothes thing (and you'll be happy to know, I'm sure, that I DID find something to wear and didn't spend the rest of the day naked), I had to fix dinner for my husband--he's such a demanding task master!

Then I found that besides these things that distracted me away from my sewing, I was equally distracted WHILE sewing and kept doing stupid stuff. So, finally, here it is 12:30 at night and I finally finished the first little topper.

I'm pretty pleased with it. I used as much of the Christmas Past line as I could and threw in some of my other stash for contrast. Marcie sure did a nice job designing this pattern, didn't she?!

I still have piles of pieces for the second one, but I need a little more of one fabric, so I think I'll probably make a quick run to the quilt shop tomorrow. Hopefully the second one will go together quickly and I'll be a little more focused.

Goodness knows, it would be nearly impossible to be any LESS focused!


  1. That turned out really cute,that is the same design I would have made!

  2. I thought you were going to have the "Sewing in the Nude - Trees on the Table Challenge"! I don't know how you have the energy to mess around with clothes AND make dinner AND finish one topper! You're quite the superwoman, I think! Your topper is so pretty - your fabric choices are lovely.
    Thanks for the pictures!

  3. p.s. That's the same design choice I made!

  4. Cute, cute and cuter!!! I can just 'see' you flying around the house in your b'day suit, greeting hubby with dinner on the table then on to the Christmas tree bash---sans clothes! ROFL Love, love your topper. Marcie is just the best blogger friend, and her work is wonderful. I have to make me one of those tree toppers, but you can bet that I'll be fully dressed while making mine (not a pretty sight ala clothing here, girly!!) ROFL

  5. It really turned out nice, good job

  6. Congratulations on the weight loss! Not quite sure how you pulled it off with apple pies avialable..must be all that walking around in quilt shops and shows. ;-)

    Your tree topper turned out really, really cute! I liked all of the versions for finishing the outer border but the green was my favorite also.

    BTW... I've heard chocolate helps when your experiencing difficulty maintaining focus. Obviouly I haven't tried it myself!!! Let me know if it

  7. Cute as can your border choice. I loved it when I lost the weight but cleaning the closet is a pain. I did decide though that if I got rid of everything that was too big I wouldn't be tempted to put any weight back on. Just a little game I play with myself.

  8. That's is absolutely adorable. Is the second one for ME???? You knew I would ask. teehee!

    And, thank you for not posting pics of stripping in the closet. ewwwwwwwweee. :-)

  9. Awesome table topper.

    I've done the whole closet rotation thing twice. First, when we were moving after I had GAINED a whack of weight. I figured that if I got back down to the size where I could wear the stuff I was donating, I deserved new clothes (I was right). Then again, just before our most recent move when I got rid of incredibly ginormous piles of stuff in sizes 16-20 and of the XL/XXL variety. Congrats on the weight loss. That's terriffic!

  10. Way to go Kim on the wt.loss! Still, the image disturbs me. Fabric can always take my mind off that tho, so I'm glad you posted fabric doing tricks, like stripping and forming trees and pinwheels. Your little topper turned out darling!

  11. Oh I love it! You and Marcie make a good team. Congrats on the weight loss!

  12. I guess I got even more side tracked than you. I have all of the parts made, just need to get them put together. I chose the same border that you did! Beautiful job!!!

  13. Oh lordy you had me scared for a minute. I wasn't sure where YOU were going with that whole naked bath scene. LOL!!!! I was afraid to scroll down and read more. I love that little wallhanging. It is just adorable. I'm gonna have to make one I guess but not right now. I was busy with Hometown Christmas. Ok I can't lie. LOL I still haven't found the kit.

  14. Well, I am a little late foe the cahllenge but will definitely be bookmarking it, that is fabulous!!
    And well done you!!1 Giving up the chance for kim's famous apple cake was worth it when things actually aren't fitting, i am very proud....but thanks for strips rather than stripping pics. lol Tracey

  15. That is really beautiful! I love the fabrics you've used!

  16. I took you up on the challenge and almost finished... photo on my blog!


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