Friday, September 7, 2007

The Weekend's Here Again!

Addendum to Below Post: I'm not sure, but this might be a little funny. Sharon says it is, anyway. I got in some trouble before for not warning you, and I have personal knowledge of stuff like litigation, so please don't choke on your Cherrios or asphyxiate on your Diet Coke. Then again, maybe it's not funny--Sharon tends to laugh a lot, so you never really know.

* * * * *

It's Friday night, and the weekend's here again! I know it was a short work week for those of us who had Monday off for Labor Day, but a couple tough days at work made for a week that seemed extremely L000000000NG! Yep, by the time Friday rolled around, this gal didn't feel quite so much like skipping, believe me! Well, until my husband greeted me at the door tonight with a Starbuck's iced latte! Wooo-hooo! (Don't tell him, but I had one at lunch too!)

And now a bit about me. Okay, yes, I DO know this whole blog is about ME, ME, ME, but this is personal stuff. I know some of you are anxiously following my beauty routines, right? Maybe someday I'll write a book entitled "Kim's Big Beauty Adventure," you'll all buy it, and I'll become rich! In the meantime, I'll pass along a few tips.

My big plan for this weekend's Saturday day-of-beauty is to clip my toenails. I was going to do it last weekend, but my eyebrows were getting a mite bushy, so I decided to switch plans. So, yes, this weekend my toenails will get their day. What to do, though, when you discover a chin hair as you're driving home from work? Do you put the toenails off for another week?

I don't do the Fly Lady thing, but I know lots of people who do, and it's my very vague understanding that the concept is to do a little bit at a time on a regular schedule, isn't it? So, with that in mind, I made the momentous decision that I could actually pluck the chin hair on FRIDAY NIGHT so I wouldn't be faced with too many beauty tasks all at once on Saturday. Brilliant, yes?

My blog posts have been noticeably and seriously devoid of photos for the past few days. I sure wish I had thought to take a photo of the plucked chin hair! Maybe I'll remember to photograph the toenail clippings tomorrow--that should draw a lot of traffic to my blog!

Okay, another thing about ME! I'm not one to bore you to death with the progress of my diet on a daily basis, but hey! This is my blog and I can do what I want! So I think I'll compromise and just occasionally bore you to death with my diet progress. Deal? So here's the exciting news: Today I put on a top that was fitting pretty snug before the diet, and now it's fitting pretty loose. Cool, huh?! It's good to see progress.

I don't think weighing is a good idea for me, so the only way I can really tell that I'm losing weight is by the fit of my clothes. If I weigh myself, I think it makes me concentrate too much on the whole "diet" aspect rather than the idea that I'm involved in a change of my lifestyle and eating habits. (Should I include this gem of wisdom in "Kim's Big Beauty Adventure," I wonder?)

Okay, so enough of the really personal stuff. What's on the agenda for the weekend? My husband has to work tomorrow and I think he's getting together with a friend in the evening, so I have some serious quilting plans. What a slacker I've been on the Hometown Christmas project! Not much of a role model for the other bloggers who are participating, but I hope to remedy that this weekend and get started. Yes, I DID get my kit dug out earlier in the week and the fabric has been sitting on my sewing table, but I've been in the living room most evenings, working on some applique. So, this weekend I'll get my Hometown Christmas commitment done and continue the applique I've been working on. By the end of the weekend, I hope to have more to show you than toenail clippings. Oh, and just in case you were wondering/worried/concerned/frightened, no, there's just no way I'm going to photograph nose hairs. But, if you really feel you need to see them, you can always wait and buy my book!


  1. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not that I'm posting first here. About the beauty secrets. Keep them to yourself. LMAO!!!! And those toenails!!!! OMG you are hysterical. At least you dont bite them off. Or do you??? And you forgot to mention the putting on the makeup and then washing it off immediately.
    Have a good weekend. I'll keep posting till I get home. Miss you guys sooooo much.

  2. You are so funny. Well, since you have the hair out of the way, you could come and check out Thimble Creek! It's nice and cool here :-)

  3. I'm afraid to visit your blog after tonight - I'm really scared. Toenail clippings, chin hair, nose hair AAAACCCKKKK!


  4. I'm really glad you got that chin hair out of the way so you can concentrate on those toenails. We'll pass on the nosehairs....thank you very much. :)
    Will we be receiving autographed copies of "Kim's Big Beauty Adventures"?

  5. I'm not going to say anything about you being a "slacker" since I haven't started mine yet either. I've been busy stitching...

  6. Yipes! your beauty routine sounds a bit like mine. Why is it that a short week at work is alway a bad week? Mine wa that way too.

  7. I look forward to your beauty book. God knows I could use some help in that area! Although my nails (both toes and fingers) are routinely taken care of by my wonderful Vietnamese family of manicurists; and I haven't had to worry yet about chin hairs (since I'm only 29!) - I don't pay much attention to the rest of me. Any suggestions for dry skin and wrinkles would be greatly appreciated! Heck, you could devote half the book to wrinkles! Even 29 year olds (like me) get them!

    Can't wait to see your T'berries progress!

  8. OK -- where's the pre-sale website for that book? What I really want to know is if the chin/nose hairs match the roof???? Also, can you show how to get toenails off in one piece please, so they don't fly of in 3 pieces into the carpet? Thanks......Oh yea, one more thing. are you doing some research on ear hairs? For your book, you know.....cos I know someone......
    (thanks for the warning - I finished swallowing before I scrolled down - you're killin me!)

  9. Note to Sue about the toenails: Don't worry about all the little pieces. Do what I do and cut them in the bedroom on your HUSBAND's side of the bed. See? Easy solutions to every beauty problem!

  10. Won't this throw off your Friday night shower? Or, have you decided since it'll be cooling off a bit you can just go to every other week now??? LOL ;-)

    Here's an idea to help you through the next month or so (and gain more quilt time!)... just skip the maintenance altogether and tell people you're working on getting in character for Halloween!...
    Oh...sorry about that.. I forgot you haven't told them about the warts yet!

  11. Please do NOT share pix of the toe nail clippings! :)

  12. You only had 1 chin hair??? Count yourself blessed!


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