Sunday, September 23, 2007

Stuff I Hate to Do

1. Get up on the weekend, get dressed, put on make-up, fix my hair, and go out.

Yeah, I'd really rather just be a bum and hang around the house quilting. You know the old HERMIT thing I like to do on weekends? But I wanted to go check out a few things on sale at Kohl's and then hit the grocery store to buy what I needed to make beef and barley soup in the crockpot. So I was up and out and back again by a little past noon. I didn't end up with what I THOUGHT I was going to Kohl's for, but I did get a cute wooden pumpkin wallhanging thingy that's now hanging in the front bathroom and a set of two non-stick Farberware skillets on clearance for $15 (marked down from $40-something). Last time I scrambled eggs in my old non-stick skillet, there were some crunchy bits that I think were Teflon! I hate shopping so much, I tend to wait until I'm desperate!

2. Clean the refrigerator.

This is another thing I put off. Oh, I wipe up spills as they happen and toss out any semi-liquid veggies--usually when I get home from shopping with a bag of fresh produce. But the REAL cleaning where you take EVERYTHING out and wash everything? Nope, not happening here more than a couple times a year. For one thing, the way the refrigerator fits into its nook means that I have to pull the whole thing OUT to get all the shelves and drawers out. Anyway, I did that chore today, so I think I'm set for the upcoming holiday season. I think I filled up three or four grocery bags of stuff that was out of date or that I knew we just weren't going to eat, either because of this diet we're on or just because.

And what made me do that, you may wonder? Well, one of the produce drawers kept sticking. I had pulled it out and washed it all before, but I probably didn't do a very thorough job, and it still kept sticking. Finally, the front of the plastic drawer cracked from all the pushing and pulling. It started out as a small crack, and I could still get the drawer open by pulling on the sides, but I think my son must have come over and gotten into the food, because suddenly half the front of the drawer was covered in jagged cracks.

After I got the refrigerator all cleaned, I decided the best thing to do was to mend the cracked drawer with--what else?--duct tape! I must be suffering from high testosterone levels or something because that seemed like a reasonable solution. Of course, we were all out of duct tape, so I had to run back to the store and get some. Now I have a white trash produce bin. See?

The other alternative is to track down the original paperwork that came with the refrigerator, see if there's a parts list, and order a new drawer, but that would probably mean looking through about three different drawers for the correct paperwork, and I'd probably have to clean out those drawers too, and I'm just not in the mood today. Really, all I want to do is go back to my hermit ways and head on into the Sweat Shop!

Oh, and by the way--if I EVER mention repairing upholstery or articles of clothing with duct tape, please stage an intervention!


  1. I hate the shopping part too, but there is nothing wrong with cleaning the frig!!! I bet it feels good!
    Yeah, the duct tape has me a bit concerned!!!

  2. Well, that duct tape drawer goes perfect with the "no grass" front yard. Now all you need is a big old Buick parked on the lawn!!! LMAO!!!!!

  3. I about to start an intervention when you mentioned cleaning frig, but then remembered I did that a couple of weeks ago and survived. I found if you don't go shopping it stays cleaner! ;-o

  4. Why waste time looking for the paper work when you can wisely use that time to blog about it instead?! ROFLOL! Obviously, you know the saying, "You can fix anything with duct tape and a hammer!" Smart thinking, girl!

  5. Your day sounds as boring as my weekend, but then I'm in the process of moving so all those revolting cleaning jobs have to be done. Love the duct tape idea, and hey waht's wrong with a duct taped lounge

  6. Duct tape is fabulous stuff - my hubby swears by it. Of course in my family we call it duck tape ...

  7. What is it about refrigerators? Unlike yours, mine is easy to get at to clean - and I still don't do it but 3-4 times a year. At least yours has food in it. I'm such a quilting hermit on the weekends that I hardly ever get around to do a real shopping. I guess that's why we seem to eat out a LOT!

  8. OK, your refrigerator reminds me of Marty's chair on Frazier! I agree with Sharon, you just need an old Buick in the front yard. Wait...maybe it's already there. LOL

  9. What's up with all you over-achiever's doing the fridge 3 or 4 times a year??? You're a woman after my own heart -- playing hermit on the weekends. And puh-leez tell me you took a picture of that crock-pot beef and barley soup and that you're going to blog about it -- we need that recipe!!! ;-)

  10. Right with you on the fridge!! DH always worries that I am pregnant when it finally gets a solid clean!!!
    I broke my crisper as well, and believe me, stick to the duct tape. It was $86 for one new crisper, the sad thing is that I have taped up the old one and am leaving it in until it really deteriorates, at $86 the new one doesn't come out it's box until the old one is dead AND buried!!! Tracey

  11. Are you SURE you're not from the south?

    Tell me the Buick in the front yard's not up on blocks! LOL ;-)

    Or, that you still have your Christmas lights up from last year?!?

  12. Hey - whatsa matter with duct tape? You gotta problem with that? If it wasn't for duct tape my closet door would fall off, the Buick wouldn't start and the Christmas lights would fall off by June.
    You don't have to worry till you have 18 dogs under the front porch, then you might be a redneck.....

  13. You're supposed to clean the fridge? I thought you only did that when you ran out of dishes and containers. Hmmm......


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