Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Scraps . . .

of things to talk about today. First off, it's back to work for me. Do you feel my pain? Back to the "kids" to see what they've been up to, and I'm pretty sure it means a good amount of work for me, but I guess that's what allows me to pay bills and buy fabric! Tomorrow night I have my Jo's Little Women Club and I haven't made this month's project, a journal cover--too many other projects calling out for my attention. In fact, I haven't made any of the projects for the last two months because I was working on my Quilter's Hollow Retreat (aka "The Monster"), so I'll take that along with me for show and tell, even though it's nothing like the cute little Jo Morton projects!

May Britt asked me about the roses in the center of the Round Robin quilt, and I mentioned to her that I had made another quilt using the same kind of roses. She asked me to post a photo, and we all know that May MUST BE OBEYED! If you read her blog, you know May is recovering from shoulder surgery and planning all sorts of new projects while she recuperates, so I thought I'd show this one:

Here's another closer shot of part of the quilt.

The roses are fairly easy to make. Start with a center and sew on scrappy strips, pressing each back as you go around and around. Vary the colors of the fabric a little so you get some petal definition. Once you have your "rose" large enough, trim the edges a bit so they look more like petals and applique them on.

I've been working on an older applique project in the evenings and watching movies with my husband while I sew. Last night we watched The Painted Veil which I thought was a really excellent film! It's set around 1925 in China and it "feels" like a real old-fashioned movie. If you're looking for something good to watch, rent this one. We also watched The Queen the other night and thought that was quite good too, but it didn't touch the heart the way The Painted Veil does--sorry about the too-dark photo. Hey, I'm a quilter, not a photographer!

I've found my Hometown Christmas kit! Woo-hoo! I was all ready to cut into it when I remembered that there were things I wanted to change, so I'm taking a little time to look at the pattern and try to remember what those things were. We now have 12 of us working on this project (along with a few others who don't have blogs to link to), and you'll see in my sidebar that in the last couple days, I've added several quilters' blogs. Tina, Cathy, Patty, Beth, and Michele are all members of my online group and have just started blogs. Check them out if you get a minute!

And look what I found when I went looking for my Hometown Christmas kit!

These are the blocks for a much older Thimbleberries BOM, The Quilters' Garden. I had made all the blocks but wanted to set them differently, so I put them aside. This photo shows the "original" configuration of the quilt minus the setting triangles and borders, but I still want to do something different. I'm going to leave it on my design wall for now and think about how I might want to set these. I don't think I'll use those pre-printed squares, but I thought I'd stick them up there for the time being.

That's about it for today, I think. See you tomorrow!


  1. Those roses really are a neat idea. Maybe someday ...

  2. It's amazing what you find when you start digging! Your QG blocks looks great.

  3. Sharyn Craig has two wonderful books on settings: Setting Solutions and Great Sets. Do a search on amazon.com and both books will come up.

  4. Thanks for showing. I love those roses :)

  5. The roses are beautiful. They look like they take a lot more work than your simple instructions! Your BOM blocks are really pretty too -- and I vote to ditch the cheater blocks!

  6. Can't wait to see what you pull out of your bag of tricks for the Quilter's Garden blocks!

    I know whatever it is, I'll be sitting her saying to myself.."Why didn't I think of that?!?" ;-) LOL!

  7. See what has evolved from what YOU started? LOL. Keep digging, kiddo. You might find my youth buried somewhere in there! It's not here. I know. I've looked for it!

    Beautiful roses!

  8. I also thought that the painted veil was excellent, the scenery was beautiful. Love your roses!

  9. That's a very impressive looking UFO you have there.
    Sorry about the going back to work thing, here is me sighing with you..sigh...hope you shaved your legs ready for the Junior chief!!!
    Loved your roses, those centre panels on the blocks looked great as well,I've not seen that type of fabric before, Cheers, Tracey

  10. Hey, crazy woman!!! I have the blocks to the last quilt you showed too. I have them all finished just neet to set them. I dont have the flowery fabric for the setting blocks but I wasn't crazy about that anyway.
    It's good to be missed so much. Thanks!!! You have quite the list of people doing Hometown quilt dont you?

  11. Wow, you've been a busy little quilter. Love the roses. And ALL the quilts you've posted over the last few days. I'm just getting all caught up on my reading and seeing. Thanks for sharing! :)

  12. Nice quilt! Looks like another beast to me! lol Yea, when you start looking for a UFO, others seem to pop up out of no where! I like those pre-printed blocks. It would certainly make quilting this beauty easier i.e. you can outline the block. What would you place instead! Happy quilting!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!