Friday, September 28, 2007

Reclaiming my Home

Who? Me?!

When the Wild Child and the Drooling Dog went home on Wednesday, I thought things were on the way to getting back to normal. As my husband and I were getting ready for bed, we heard a crash. When I went to investigate, I found Spike, the younger cat, had gone into my daughter's room and knocked a plant off the shelf--probably her way of saying "good riddance to the Drooling Dog." I came back into the bedroom and told my husband what had happened and, as I started to leave the bedroom again, he asked, "Are you going to clean it up now?" "Nope," I replied, "I'm going to take pictures." Funny what blogging does to us, isn't it?! To tell you the truth, that one last pot full of dirt scattered around my daughter's room did little to make the house much worse than it already was, but maybe that was the last straw that tipped the balance in favor of taking a mental health day!

I'm a little stiff and sore this morning. I didn't stop cleaning and decorating yesterday until around 3 p.m. when my feet and legs just didn't really want to play that game any more. Then I took a quilting break and a grocery store shopping break and another quilting break. Finally, late last night, I finished some of the cleaning I hadn't done earlier. Boy I slept good last night too!

Here are a couple photos of my Autumn decorations . . .

and the leaf quilt which still needs binding--but it's close!

I still need to decorate in the kitchen and get binding on that quilt--probably tonight. Happy Friday!


  1. Quilt looks great Kim, Sop glad you got all that mess cleaned up. Now the kitties will relax. I know that day off was worth it.

  2. LOL - you sure hit the nail on the head. Blogging has changed us all. Several times my husband has asked me why I have the camera out. Pictures for my blog I tell him. Pictures of what he asks. When I tell him he gives me the funniest looks that say louder than words "why in heavens name would you want a picture of that?

    Love the table mat!

  3. LOL - cats aren't shy about giving their opinions, are they? You're lucky she didn't leave something else on the carpet......
    Now - your decorating is so nice, I think you need to come do mine. I'll have chocolate ready!

  4. Oh, yes blogging has definitely changed us all. Now, my hubby says things like "oh look something to blog about" or "you should take a picture of that so you can blog about it and share it with your buddies" LOL He loves to read all the comments everyone leaves.

    Beautiful Fall decorating!

  5. CarGuy is computer illiterate and just doesn't comprehend blogs. I just tell him I'm checking email. *grin* Your autumn decorations are very nice.

  6. Your decorations are beautiful! I was caught by my hubby taking a picture of my bread dough ready to pop in the oven...he just looked at me, shook his head, and walked away muttering something about having too much time on your hands.

  7. My husband also laughs when I say I am taking a picture of such-and-such for my blog; but I think he secretly likes it that I have something to do that is constructive... Love your leaf quilt - it is beautiful!!

  8. Looking good! I've decided that since I do not have many fall quilts and things that I'm just going to take my pumpkin/fall fabric out of my stash and drape it around the house! LOl Thanks for sharing!

  9. Cute kitty! Your decorations are very nice. It is funny how we think in blog now. Love your leaf quilt.

  10. Love that table mat, it's beautiful, everything looks nice. I don't decorate, but I sure enjoy seeing everyones houses all decked out.

  11. The fall decorating looks great. I'm having a hard time getting into the mood. Not sure I'm ready for it

    Blogging. Yep, it can sure eat up the time you could be doing other things!

    I spent the better part of 2 hours tonight making a slideshow of quilts for the bottom of my blog. Most of the time was trying to figure out the HTML code to let me put a jump to the page bottom so people wouldn't have to scroll down. I'm either nuts or one of those people that can't let a good puzzle go unsolved. (Notice that was an observation... not a question. LOL!!!)

  12. Beautiful decorations! When you're done, do you want to come do mine? LOL

  13. Well done on the Mental Health Day, you achieved a lot....and I totally agree with you...if the hitherto unknown to me candy Corn is a lolly and it was flawed, I would eat it and damn the consequences as well!!
    You know as soon as something is broken (flawed) it is only half the calories!!! Tracey

  14. Love the decorations - they're gorgeous!
    I enjoy blogging for that very reason - you're always looking at your life for something to share with your bloggy friends!
    Animals definitely have a way of letting you know what they're thinking, don't they? The little darlin's. LOL!!

  15. Hey, it's lookin good. That cat of yours wants you to know who's in charge of that household. And it is so true of the camera and blogging. Everything that happens, it's grab the camera first!! Hubby better hope he doesn't keel over cause you know what I gotta do first!!! LOL!!!
    Love the decorations. And that quilt. WOW you do nice quilting.

  16. What a good idea-a Mental Health Day! I think all my days must be MHDs. I love that pumpkin table topper! And of course your beautiful leaf quilt!

  17. Catching up on your posts! Love the big pumpkin candle mat -- glad kitty didn't spill something on it! ;-) And thanks for the candy corn calorie count -- very valuable info -- now I can imbib! LOL.


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