Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cabin Fever!

Remember a couple weeks ago--Labor Day weekend, actually--my husband and I went up to Auburn for lunch and to visit the quilt shop? I'm kind of excited to report that Cabin Fever, the quilt shop we visited, is in the new Quilt Sampler magazine that just came out this week!

If any of you happen to be traveling in Northern California's Gold Country, make a stop in Auburn and say hi to Don and Patti Henderson and their staff! I'm so pleased for Don and Patti that their shop has been so successful. Before they owned it, another quilt shop called Fabrications occupied the space, and the few times I stopped in, the people just didn't seem very friendly. Don and Patti have done much to change that, and Patti's a lovely, warm woman--you'll like her the moment you meet her! You probably won't see much of Don--he tends to hide himself away upstairs, taking care of the business end of running the shop and building wooden "things" that they use to display their merchandise and sell in the shop. Of course, when the shop gets busy, Don will emerge, and he does a fine job helping customers and working the register. (That's Don on the far right, and Patti is seated next to him.)

When my husband and I first moved to Sacramento over 20 years ago, my husband went to work for a company called Biggers Industrial-Gerlinger's where they sold parts for machinery--like tractors and such. That's where he first met Don. Don and his wife, Patti, lived up toward the foothills, and when they both "retired," they decided to open a quilt shop, since Patti was a long-time quilter.

I wish I had brought my camera on the last trip so I could share some photos with you, but for now, these from the magazine will have to do. I guess it's a good excuse to go back, though. I can always count on Don to keep my husband occupied, talking about cars and other "boy stuff," while I shop! (If your husband happens to come with you, ask for Don--I'm pretty sure he knows all about distracting husbands when it comes time to ring up the bill!)

And, if you should be traveling in this direction in the fall, after you stop at the quilt shop, hop on Highway 49 south. You can stop and see the site where California gold was first discovered. Then, just east of Placerville off Highway 50 is the Apple Hill area, where all the small farmers open their farms and sell apples, apple products, and all kinds of other goodies. On weekends, many of the farms host craft vendors as well.

Well, I think I've just talked myself into a weekend of activities for my husband and me--late September/early October will be perfect! Next time, I'll get photos. And if you should stop by Cabin Fever, tell Patti and Don I sent you!


  1. I enjoy the Sampler magazine. I get it every time. I have read the article. Oh... how I wish we had access to nice inspirational quilt shops in my neck of the woods. Have a great day!

  2. That's pretty exciting, Kim! I have the cinnamon roll candle that I bought there sitting on my stove top. I think I'll go light it!

  3. Don't think I'll be traveling to CA any time soon but I did pick up the magazine today. Thanks for the info.

  4. I really need to get up that way again, would love to see this shop! Congrats to them on making the mag!

  5. I just saw this magazine today too. I should have grabbed it then! The quilt on the cover grabbed my attention... neat quilting on it, don't cha think?


  6. How fun to visit a current magazine shop! I always enjoy those magazines, and I love the cover of this one. Looks like a good quilt for block swapping.

  7. Thanks for the info about the magazine, I will have to go pick it up! If I was near CA I would certainly stop in.

  8. What about your house? Can we make a stop there too?? PLEEZZEEEE

  9. Yea, what Sharon said. So you want me to drive across the U S of A to visit this shop and don't even invite me to stay at your place?!? Geeeezzzzz...... Well, I think I'm up to date Ms. Prolific writer! lol


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