Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Waiting for AAA

So last night my husband went to get sandwiches for dinner (see yesterday's post) and on the way back, his alternator went out. Of course, since I'm "on vacation," I was elected to sit around and wait for AAA this morning. I asked him to call them at 8:30 so they'd be here and tow the darn van off by 9 a.m. and I could be on my way, running all these errands before it gets too hot. (I had to turn on the A/C at 8 a.m.!) Well, things never go smoothly and my husband didn't get to call AAA until a bit after 9 a.m., so here I sit as the clock edges toward 10 a.m.

The tow service called a little bit ago to find out if the van was an all-wheel drive. Do I know? It's green. That's about the extent of my knowledge. I know it's not 4-wheel drive. Deal with it.

So, while I wait, I figured I'd chat with you a bit and show you what I completed last night. I finished quilting my two Halloween placemats and got the binding finished on Monday and then I "made" the napkins last night (see below). Actually the two napkins were purchased at Pier 1 (as were the blue salad dishes). I cut them to the size I wanted and then "fringed" the edges. After that, I sewed a decorative stitch along the edges using my Bernina and a green variegated thread from Valdani. I don't have an embroidery machine, but the Bernina has a few stitches that look kind of cute. Hopefully the stitching will keep the napkins from further fraying!


  1. Awesome....I love them. Now you are making me want to do a Halloween project. I love those fabrics. Hope you don't have to wait too much longer.

  2. Oh, you're just Miss Creativity, Kim! Your placemats and napkins look great.

    I made a stop at Tai Pan Trading on my way home from having my CT scan this morning (had to drive right by it...couldn't resist!) and though of you. So may wonderful decorating ideas.

    Enjoy your "vacation"!

  3. your placemats and napkins are just darling.

  4. What a pain in the neck, but at least you didn't waste the time. Do hope that the rest of your time off is a little more relaxed.

  5. You mean you actually turn your A/C off???? I think in the last year ours has been off for about 15 minutes or so... and that was probably due to a power outage..LOL.

    You're on vacation for heaven's sake... what's the hurry to get up and get going? You'll have to do that next week whether you want to or not!

    Love the table decorations Martha ;-)


  6. Blech - what a morning! I hate waiting! LOL

    Love the placemats and napkins - aren't you just the creative one.

  7. Those placemats are adorable! And your last post was hysterical! Kind of reminded me of the "If you give a mouse a cookie" series of books ... If you ask your wife to pick up the keys....LOL.

  8. I'm glad I re-read the title of your post... at first I thought it said "Waiting for AA" LOL! Actually, if your DH keeps asking you for these favors during your vacation, you may need it!

  9. The stitching SHOULD work -- and they look great with the placemats! LOVE your table topper -- and aren't our husbands generous with our time?!? (have one who does similar things -- good thing he's a good cook :0) )

  10. Very nice Kim. The little embroidery and frayed edge is adorable.

  11. Wow, you have been busy, I love the napkins and placemats, just wonderful!

  12. What a great setting! I was going to call you Martha, but someone beat me to it! LOL

    So what time did they finally show up?

  13. Great minds think alike, I was getting the Martha vibe too. Great table setting, so festive and FALL!!

  14. Have fun on your long, long weekend, the progress is good already!!!
    It's funny when sewing for 6 days in a a sweat shop is the height of our ambitions, bet it wouldn't be if we were getting paid somwe pittance wage for it!!
    Love your Halloweeen quilts, the border fabric on the one from the last post looks especially great!
    have fun and don't get too hot!!! LOL Tracey

  15. Your placemats are CUTE!!!! The polka dots really add to the halloween fabrics.

  16. Are you decorating for fall already? If you are, I'm putting my fall wreath out now. I've had it sitting by the front door, all ready to go and every time I open the door and get hit with a gust of hot air, I turn and walk back inside, deciding to wait a few more days before declaring to the world that I'm ready for fall.

  17. I just love those place mats!!! Isn't fall fun?!

  18. Love the placemats and the napkins - very pretty together, especially with the blue dishes! You ARE Martha, even if it's just for this post! LOL!!

  19. That's a really cute placemat. Love the napkins! Enjoy your vacation


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