Thursday, August 23, 2007

Recommended Reading

I have a couple things to share with you because they're just too good to keep to myself, and I wouldn't want you to miss them! Not much of a reader? No time to sit down and read a good book? Then the first suggestion is perfect for you!

Andrea at Under a Blue Moon is taking a self-imposed blogging hiatus but couldn't resist popping back in to post this link to an eBay auction for Pokemon cards. The auction has been concluded, but that doesn't really matter. If you haven't read this, click on over there:

If you want to read more of this gal's writing, she has a blog, Because I Said So. And I KNOW you have time to read blogs, right? You won't be disappointed!

Okay, my second recommendation will require more of your time and attention. If you haven't already read it, pick up a copy of These Is My Words by Nancy Turner. The book is fictional but is based on fact. It chronicles the early years of the life of Sarah Agnes Prine, a pioneer in the Arizona Territories in the late 1800s/early 1900s. I think this is the best work of historical fiction I've read. If you know of anything better, please let me know! Out of 189 "ordinary folk" reviews on Amazon, 170 gave it five stars. If you're interested and want to read a little more about the book, go over to Amazon and read what others have said--just click on the book title earlier in the paragraph.

And what about those of you who HAVE read it already? Well, have you read the second book, Sarah's Quilt? This one covers the span of only one year--or actually part of one year: 1906. It's not quite as good as the original, but it's still an excellent read as far as I'm concerned.

And if you've read BOTH books already? Then I know you'll be as excited as I am to hear that the third book, The Star Garden, will be released on September 4th!


  1. Kim thanks for the link to the ebay auction, what a hoot, and I'm sure there's many of us who can relate to her daily life.

  2. Thanks Kim....she's as enjoyable as Ree. I have those two books and just haven't gotten to them yet but now I will after your glowing recommendation. :)

  3. I didn't know there was a third book coming out. The first one especially was awesome. Thanks!!

  4. That lady on ebay has lost her mind I think. The children did her in. LOL!!! That is the funniest thing I have ever read. Leave it to you to find it.
    I'm not much of a book reader but I may try that first book. I prefer magazines. LOL!!! Guess my attention span is not...........I'm sorry what were we talking about?

  5. I LOVE those books. Looking forward to #3. She sure learned how to hook quilters with those newer covers! How on earth did you find that ebay lady? Too funny!

  6. The ebay lady was hilarious! I think I'm crazy, and I only had ONE child! Hmmmmm......
    I will check into those books - thanks for sharing!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!