Sunday, August 12, 2007

One Weekend, Two Quilt Tops, and a Bunch of Dumb TV Shows

The weekend's nearly over. I can hardly wait until the fall TV season starts. As I've mentioned before, I like to watch TV while I quilt, and I feel like I've watched just about everything worth watching on TV--and a lot that's NOT worth watching.

I spent the weekend mostly working on piecing two Halloween quilt tops using the Bonnie Sullivan/Maywood fabrics. I actually planned to piece one top, but then I had the brilliant idea to make a piano key border for it. As it turned out, that plan was a little less than brilliant. When I put the center up on the design wall with the pieced borders, it was much too busy. Then what? Well, I decided to use the borders in a Chinese coins design top--I just needed to piece another row of strips, the sashing, and the borders. Here are the two tops (ignore all those miscellaneous blocks at the bottom--they're for another project):

Sometimes when I spend so much time quilting, it feels like the weekend's passed me by. I get wrapped up in a project and it's hard to pull myself away to do anything else. Before I know it, the weekend's gone and I didn't do half the things I planned. I wish weekends were longer! Five more days until the next one . . . .


  1. Looks like lots of progress to me...Love the fabrics.

  2. You really accomplished alot over your weekend! I like it when that happens!

  3. Wowzer you were busy, busy! Love both quilts.

  4. Maybe not a lot of housework was done, but it sounds and looks like a fun and productive weekend anyway! I particularly love the top quilt. What pattern is that?

  5. Well FINE, Kim! Thanks alot! As if I don't have enough UFO's stacked up, you go and put up a very cool wonky 9 patch, and I have most of those fabrics so I could crib it off you!!
    Awesome, girl - and that's some very good accomplishment for a slow day!

  6. Geeezem girl! Those are some sweet looking quilts! Glad to read someone was productive on the quilting front! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Good golly, Miz Kim! You sew like a house a-fire, woman! Love what you've done - I have got to have that fabric! It's so cute - love the colors.
    I don't think time spent quilting is time ill-spent. You know all the other stuff you planned to do is still waiting for you, darn it all!! LOL!

  8. I bet if feels good to get back to some piecing, Kim. Your quilts looks so cute. Hopefully I'll have a picture of mine posted this afternoon!

  9. I know what you mean. I get so mad at myself when I look up and realize it's time for dinner on Sunday. Drat!

    Great quilts! I love them!

  10. Gosh, it's nice to be able to get a quilting fix here since there ain't none happening at my house! ;-)

    At least I can walk past my sewing room, peak in... and it's still neat. Something else that doesn't happen around here nearly as much as it

    Love the sashing on these. Would have never thought to do it on a chinese coin quilt! I'll have to file that idea away.

  11. Look at you!! I go away for a few days and you get busy and bust out a couple quilt tops. They look great. Halloweenie time is my favorite time of the year. Fall is the best!!!


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