Friday, August 3, 2007

A Full Mailbox!

It's always exciting to go to the mailbox and find packages and other good stuff waiting for you, isn't it?! Today I was blessed with a mailbox full of good stuff and no BILLS! Outstanding!

Darlene, one of my blog-buddies (and I'm sure well known to all of you!), had a pincushion giveaway to celebrate her 200th post and her birthday. I was one of the lucky recipients and look what arrived in the mail today!

Extremely cute and the fabric is just perfect for my tastes--she had made several using different fabrics and somehow KNEW this was the one for me. Isn't she the best?! Thank you again, Darlene!

Then remember this pattern I posted the other day? I mentioned wanting to make it in Kansas Troubles fabrics because I had a bit of a stash and thought it would be perfect. Well, here's my stash (the fabric in the top cubicle):

Yes, it is a nice stash, thank you very much! But do you notice that there's not that many lights? Well, maybe it's not as apparent in the photo because I can see it came out a little lighter than it is in person. Anyway, I was thinking maybe I should see about adding a few lights to the quilt I make, and I found that Quilt Patch Lane had a tan FQ bundle on sale. My photo came out darker than real life (I'm light/dark challenged, aren't I?!), but here's my pretty little bundle that arrived in the mail today--don't they do a cute job of packaging?

Along with that little bundle of joy came another--from the Chocolat line by Moda. I have some charm packs from the line and a couple large pieces for borders, but since this was on SALE and I thought a few pieces a little larger than the charms would be nice, I went ahead and ordered it as well. The cool thing was that Quilt Patch Lane has bundles that are small-ish (10 FQs, I think), bundled by colorway--so I didn't have to invest a ton of money on a ginormous bundle. Less guilt that way, you know?! LOL!

Finally, I want to tell you that I have very definite plans to finish quilting "the monster" this weekend. I'd really like to take it to my next Thimbleberries show and tell (next Wednesday). I think if I can finish the quilting by Sunday, I can get the binding done by Wednesday. Thank you all for your compliments on it so far--I know it seems surprising that I could quilt a more-than-King-sized quilt on a domestic machine, but the Juki has a longer, larger throat space, and I've really stuck to free motion quilting so I don't have to turn and push and pull the bulk of the quilt through as I would if I were using a walking foot. I'm really happy with the way it's come out so far (even if I'm totally burned out on quilting it!), but the real test will come later when I see how it hangs--that will determine whether I'll ever put it in a quilt show or just keep it on my bed. Either way, though, I'm pleased and have enjoyed sharing my progress with you! Thank you for your comments--I love to hear from you!


  1. Darlenes pincushion is so cute.
    Why is it that everytime we want to start a new project we need to buy some extra. I looked at my fabrics now and it seems that I buy the same colour value all the time. Have to break that to the quiltshop :)

  2. Hmmm, a few quilt patch lane things have been coming this way as well, i like how they package, and nice and reasonable. Your purchases look good..
    ...loved the "too darn susceptible" post as well, that's the story of my life, I keep seeing so many good ideas!
    Great post as well about the golf balls, and I was pleased to hear an update on wildchild-I am battling to keep up with your regular posts-sometimes I save them up for a few days to enjoy when I have time and no interruptions- like illicit chocolate. I wont even start on that!! How can you put on weight when you are half heartedly attempting to shape up!!! Tracey

  3. I love your pincushion but I love mine more....I was the lucky winner of one too. I'm drooling over your stash and that pattern you keep Good luck finishing up your quilt. I'm going to visit Quilt Patch Lane. :)

  4. What a lovely pincushion! Darlene is so talented! Love your stash! It happens to be in my favourite colours. In which case, I really think it's too much for you, so why don't I help you by having you send me all that fabric. Just think of the room you'll have for that new fabric you just bought! lol Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to see your version of the quilt. Happy quilting!

  5. So is this your next project? I bet you'll be glad to get the monster finished up. I'm wishing you good luck so that you won't have any interuptions this weekend. You go, girl!!!!

  6. Whoa baby what a haul. Lots and lots of 'fun mail' woohoo! I'm glad you like the pincushion!

    Love, love the little bundles of fabric. I'm going to play with you - you've got a terrific stash. :-)

  7. What a fun mail day! Pure joy when a box is on the doorstep!

    I see a lot of lights in that grouping up there - but then again, that's just me. The pattern is gorgeous! So, when are you going to be finished with that one? :) DIBBIES!

    My pincushion arrived, too! Isn't Darlene the BEST! I love it!

  8. I love your stash and the bundles you received from Quilt Patch Lane. I really like the bundles of fabric they sell because of their size. I can't wait to see a block or two made from all this beautiful fabric!
    Can't wait to see the "monster" finished, too!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I am having posting issues for some reason! I guess I want to be like you and Darlene on Sharon's blog, and post lots of comments - LOL!!
    I just wanted to say I LOVE the pincushion Darlene sent you - very pretty! She's the best, isn't she?

  11. OK -- thanks to you and your post, I have a shopping cart on-line ready to pull the trigger for $75 worth of fabric.... just trying to decide how badly I need it (Great shop BTW)....great fabrics....

  12. Love your pincushion and I guess you better get busy sewing now. You have enough fabric!!! By the way, I didn't think Darlene liked you???? LOL!!! Just kidding of course


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!