Monday, July 16, 2007

My Husband's Losing His Mind, and Other Stuff

I have a cold, I think. I figured it was either a cold or allergies, but I felt like I was running a bit of a fever today. Or maybe it was a hot flash. Or maybe it's psychosomatic. I cleaned house on Saturday except for the kitchen; then we went out to dinner and I planned to either clean the kitchen when we got home (but it was really too late) or the next day. Around about that time I started to get this scratchy throat, sinus congestion, cough, etc. So guess what? The kitchen didn't get cleaned. Do I care much? Not really, since I don't want to cook either! Do you feel sorry for me? I sure hope so. Send me some get well fabric, and I'm sure I'll perk right up!

Don't you just love it when the early morning or late afternoon sun comes streaming in the window onto a quilt and really shows up the texture of the quilting? I do! As I was getting ready for work this morning, I noticed how great my "monster quilt" looked with the sun streaming in. I tried to take a photo to share with you. I tried all different camera settings to try to capture the light and shadows. One was too dark and the other three were too light. Then my batteries were exhausted and so was I, so I gave up. The best of the four is below, but it really doesn't show you what I saw.

Nor can you feel what I feel, and that's really a shame. No, not the stuffed up head cold! The feeling of this densely quilted quilt. It's so soft and snuggly that I sometimes get sidetracked just petting the darn thing! I want to wrap it around me even if it IS 100 degrees outside.

Boy, I'm sure looking forward to getting this quilt finished! I've run into a little glitch, though. I need more thread. You know what happened last time I went to the quilt shop to get more thread, right? $75 later . . . . Still, I'd risk the temptation, but I actually know for a fact that they don't have this light blue thread because I checked when I was there. On Saturday I placed an order online, but it may take one to two weeks to arrive. I'll quilt as long as I can with what I have and if I can't go any further, I'll take a break from this project and move on to one of the other quilt projects awaiting my attention.

I've also been slowly unpacking the "stuff" I brought home from my mom's this past week. It's not the unpacking that's so time consuming, it's finding a place for all this stuff in a small house that was already crowded! I'm pretty excited about these though:

And why does it look bent and lopsided? It doesn't in person. More evidence of my inadequate camera skills! I know these glasses are probably not something that would excite everyone, but I've always had a hard time finding glasses to go with my semi-formal dishes for holiday meals. Crystal is much too fancy and plain tumblers aren't fancy enough. To my eye, these look just about right--these were from my mom. Now to find a place for them!

Thanks for all your help in naming my bedraggled pheasant. I think I'm going with Yvonne's suggestion of Phineas. I like the sound of "Phineas Pheasant." I liked "Phoebe Pheasant" too, but I'm told that this is a male pheasant and I've already had one male with gender issues in my life, so I don't need another. Phineas it is!

This morning, when I woke up after a stuffy-headed, restless sleep, I stumbled out to the kitchen, poured myself a cup of cold, leftover coffee, and headed to the microwave. I popped open the door and stood there staring for several minutes, trying to work out why the microwave contained a plastic container of leftover corn chowder from last night's dinner. This is the part about my husband losing his mind. I finally realized that my husband, whose job it is to put away the leftovers from dinner, had put the soup in the microwave instead of the refrigerator.

I worry about him. The other day I found an empty Starbucks cup in the living room on top of a bookshelf, on top of the cats' quilt. Why? What possessed him to put it down there? And sometimes, he'll get in the refrigerator, take things out to get what he wants, and forget to put them back. I'll come into the kitchen and find things on top of the refrigerator. Besides the leftover soup, the best episode of forgetfulness lately was when he lost his reading glasses. We searched the house high and low and searched his van as well. Hours later I found them--the ear piece was tangled up in the telephone cord and they were just dangling there.

All of this, I think, is a good argument in favor of marrying a younger man. At least his mind would still be intact when yours starts to go. Obviously I'm not going to be able to count on my hubby to remember the stuff I forget!


  1. Don't even talk to me about marrying a younger man. My husband is 15 years OLDER!!!!! I have stories. LOL

  2. I can see the dense quilting on the Monster, but I am sure it was much more pronounced in the sunlight. I too love that look. Nothing like the quilting to make a quilt!

  3. Thanks for helping me remember that I need to put the chicken that I took out of the freezer into the fridge. I was planning on cooking it up tonight, but the kids wanted pizza and since I spent most of the day in my sewing room, who am I to argue?!

    Your quilt is really looking amazing, Kim. Can't wait to see the finished product. Even if I have to wait a year or two. lol!

    BTW, did you notice that I posted today?

  4. Oh, I forgot to mention...
    I really like the goblets. They would also be great for serving dessert in. I'm a big fan of dessert dishes!

  5. Look at the bright side Kim... next time you head out to the quilt shop for thread, he'll forget all about it before you get home with bags full of fabric!

  6. I agree with Kairle. I'd love to be able to see this quilt in person. No photo in the world can capture a quilt's personality like seeing it up close and personal does!

  7. Oh, gosh, I've learned to look in the fridge first when I'm missing something. Learned that the hard way! But no way would you want a younger man. Think of what pressure THAT would be! LOL

  8. Oh, Kim, look on the bottom of the goblet bowl right around the top of the stem and see if you see anything, This looks a lot like it should be Heisey. You know me. It would be between the seams of the mold. a Diamond with an H in it.

    I'm glad that MY older DH still has good memory as he remembers what I forget. LOL


  9. Absentmindedness, yeah, I've got that, lol!

    I just love the monster quilt!!!

  10. The quilt is looking wonderful! Like the glasses too and I'm feeling honored that you chose my suggestion for your stuffed friends name. Hope you feel better.

  11. I married a younger man and it's not better. I think it's a guy thing. I'm puzzled as to how the glasses got tangled in the phone cord. Some wild passionate night where both of you forgot where you were at the moment! ROFL Just teasing ya! That beast is coming only beautifully! Nice goblets! Thanks for sharing!

  12. well if you wanted some really good entertainment now is the time to start moving his things around and really messing with his mind.......

  13. This post made me smile, despite how I know you are destressed about it. But I tend to agree with greenmare, hee hee hee, you could try to turn this into a postiive by goofing around with him. ^_-


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