Friday, July 6, 2007

Lament of a Quilter

I just needed a spool of YLI thread for the monster quilt. A varigated green thread to be specific. If you're a quilter, I probably don't have to tell you just how that spool of thread ended up costing me something like $75 before I left the quilt shop, do I?

Maybe I was just feeling sorry for myself because of the heat. Maybe I was crazy-out-of-my-mind with the heat! Yeah, that's the ticket! I was suffering heat insanity! It should be reimburseable as a medical expense, don't you agree? At least a medical tax deduction!

Anyway, by the time my lunch hour was just about over, I ended up with a bag containing (1) my spool of thread, (2) a Fons & Porter magazine, (3) two charm packs, two yards of border fabric, and a yard and a half of another fabric from the line, (4) two different panels of a bunny kid-type/Easter-type print fabric, and (5) a panel of fabric from the Peas & Carrots line. It's kind of a mystery to me why I bought the bunny fabric and the Peas & Carrots fabric. Yes, it's cute but I don't have any little kiddles running around, needing quilts. That's why I'm thinking it was heat insanity.

The charm packs and lengths of fabric are understandable and completely in character though. I still need another large piece in the cream print I have on the top of one of the charm packs below--I'll look on line for that one. I'm not sure what specifically I'll make from these goodies, but I'm sure I'll make something. Someday.

The fabric is from "A Very Berry Christmas" by Sentimental Studios for Moda. I think I was yearning for Christmas and cooler temps. The power of positive thinking.

As I came in the door tonight, my husband asked me what I bought. "I needed a spool of thread," I told him. I think he knows better than to ask why I was carrying such a large bag!


  1. Oh, man, now I'm going to have to go check out that line! That looks scrumptious! (I feel a megging coming on here!) I'd say you did good -- a spool of thread! ROFLOL


  2. Hubby is wondering how big that spool of thread is and what you are going to sew with that much thread. :-)

    A Very Berry Christmas is a new one to me. Haven't seen that before.

  3. That's very pretty fabric - I think I would have had to have had it too. I love the photo of the thread spoools. It reminds me of the photos use see of baskets of spices at markets.

  4. Very pretty fabrics! Love the colors. And aren't trips that are "just for thread" the most expensive of all?

  5. Well, at least you didn't forget to buy the spool of thread. LOL

  6. You are truly a quilter! Amen Darlene...I would have seen that fabric and forgotten the thread...would have had to go back to the store and that would have started it all over again :)

  7. Yea, I read you. So have any plans for the fabric? If it's for another monster quilt, you'll need more! ;o)

  8. I just saw this line yesterday! I went to pick up my "free" first Saturday block I had left in the store a few weeks ago. Came home $122 I signed up for a table runner of the month and bought the book for it. Decided while I was looking at the book before getting out of my truck that I don't even like them THAT much! Did I mention it's pretty hot down here too? ~ Patty

  9. You made me laugh. Your story is so typical. Has any quilter ever bought just one spool of thread?

  10. Wait -- what exactly is the problem?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!