Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Connecting Threads Fabrics

My online group has had some discussion lately about the new Connecting Threads' lines of fabric. Have you seen those yet? Five different lines of fabric and at least a couple kits for each of the lines. Of course, you can also buy the fabrics by the yard, or purchase charm packs, etc. The kicker, I think, is that the fabrics cost $5.95 a yard, and right now, Connecting Threads is offering free shipping for orders over $50. They ship to the US and Canada (I'm not sure if there are extra shipping charges to Canada). I've picked a photo of a kit from each of the lines to give you some idea of what they look like, but if you want to check it out for yourself, click on "Connecting Threads" up there in the first sentence.

So far, I only know of one quilter who has tried it--Linda Z. who leaves comments on my blog occasionally. When someone asked her about the quality of the fabric, she said she was pleased with it and that it had a feel similar to Moda.

I need more fabric like I need a hole in my head, so I'm trying to resist right now, but I'd be interested in any input anyone has. Here in the US we've seen fabric prices creep up to $9 to $10 a yard or more, so this sounds pretty promising!


  1. I'm curious too, to hear what anyone has to say. I've got the catalog, and I've gone back about 6 times! I might just have to order some. I liked their Essentials thread, not the best for pieceing but good for quilting or handwork.
    Hmmmm....I think I just talked myself into it...... LOL!! You must be a bad influence!

  2. Agreeing with Su bee about the thread! Great for quilting and hand quilting, but not top-notch in the piecing department.

    Anyhow, I'm completely drooling over their Country fabric line. I already have 2 quilts in mind. :D Hubby has already given me the Ok, but I'm a caution and want to make sure I'll actually make the quilts I have in mind before buying it. :)

  3. Looks interesting. Of course, I need more fabric right now like I need holes in my head and most of the colors don't fit into my usual range. (ie -- they aren't bright/obnoxious/weird enough!)

  4. That would be a great price. I know there are a cople of sites where you can get fabric at lower prices, but I am an impulse buyer and purchase what I see while in my lqs. And you are do not need more fabric! RESIST!

  5. I have been drooling over the catolog as well but was wondering too about the quality. I'm resisting the urge at this moment.

  6. Maybe I'll order one of their smaller kits and give it a try. I liked Linda Z.s review. I'll check back on your comments to see what other have to say.

  7. HELLLOOOOOOOOO, do ya miss me? You know you do come on, admit it.
    I saw those fabrics and kits too. I've been thinking of trying one also. Can't beat that price for fabric. It is truly out of control. Who can keep affording to pay 9 and 10 dollars a yard. You know we all have closets full of fabric already. Maybe we should just sew on what we have.Hmmmmm there's an idea.

  8. So you've notice prices of fabric creeping up too! I did see the catalogue. Strange how CC is slowly producing the essentials for quilting, thread, fabric.. what else can we expect? I'm not planning on trying their fabric. Like you, I have way too much already! Keep well!

  9. Hey, we can always use more fabric. You never know when that perfect little piece that you bought way back when will be just what you need! Have fun ordering!! :)

  10. I ordered and received the Scrappy Indigo Stars kit, plus a charm pack of the Irresistible Indigo fabric. I got out a Moda charm pack and set the Connecting Threads one next to it. Then I closed my eyes and felt one with each hand. I couldn't feel any discernible difference! The indigo fabric is really lovely -- I hope they'll come out with more fabric lines.

  11. Yes I have recieved the cataloge, unexpectedly in the mail. I think it is wonderful and CT is thinking good business. In my area, 3 joanne's have closed and 1 hancocks. Quilt shop fabric at 8.99/yard seems to me, getting harder for shop owners to move out the door like they did just 3-4 years ago. It is nice to hear that the fabric is of good quality.

  12. I bought some of CT fabric, and haven't been able to sew with it yet, but I really do like the feel of it (it does feel like Moda), and the price is great!
    I already have a ton of fabric, but there's always room in my sewing room for more, especially at that price!

  13. Don't complain about $9 when we pay $24-$25 as standard now! Haven't seen this, will check, Tracey

  14. I wish I could have checked for you, but I can't any more. Did you know Connecting Threads started here in Vancouver WA? We had the warehouse and the connected store just up the street about 10 minutes from where I work. A bit dangerous! After several years, however, they figured out that being on this side of the country hurt their sales because people back east didn't want to pay the higher shipping charges, so they moved the warehouse to the midwest. They kept the store open here but it wasn't the same. They never did stock it very well after the warehouse moved. I'm sure the sales kept going down - I know I stopped going because I never could find anything much to buy. A few months ago they closed the store. Too bad - because they carred all their own things of course - their thread, etc. - and I know I could have gone there to check out this fabric.

  15. I LOVE Connecting Threads fabric! The quality is top notch and the prices are fabulous. I have bought fabric from, but this site has collections which are nice.
    I live in Northern California too, Kim. We might be neighbors!

  16. I recently purchased fabric from the Country Essentials line for a quilt featured in the catalog. I bought the recommended book, but made my own quilt kit because I wanted to substitute the background fabric. The quality of the fabric seems fine, however, I think it lacks something in design. I can't describe it exactly. Just that I wound up substituting other fabrics from my stash. (Just as well, I guess, but now I have MORE fabric.) I have tried their thread on the recommendation of a friend, but find it is not ideal for piecing. I haven't given up on them, though. I think I will try some of their batiks. The price is certainly right.

  17. I have "heard" their fabric is great quality. Have bought - but alas, not yet sewn with it. I love the turnkey approach, and the selection. Have been tempted to purchase thread (and still might), but am leary of other posts on thread quality. Can't beat the prices on their fabric... and their kits are cute and reasonably priced!
    Andi in Oregon
