Tuesday, June 5, 2007

"To Do" Meme

I'd really like to rant a bit about the so-called "news" coverage Paris Hilton's jail stay is generating, but then I kind of figure she's getting enough publicity already. But what I don't get is, Why do we care? (Or why does the media think we care?) Oh well, some things are beyond understanding.

Sharon over at Red Geranium Cottage tagged me for the to do list meme. I have some mixed feelings about memes. They're kind of fun sometimes, but then sometimes it feels like a meme is a little like a writing assignment handed out by an English teacher. They're okay if you have writer's block and need something to get you going, but somehow, so far (knock on wood), I've managed to blabber on about nothing every day, for the past three months, and I still have more stuff in my brain to bore you with. But I'll play along with this one, because I like Sharon. (By the way, she's going to be sending me all her FQ bundles--long story, but she has a whole lot and I'm sure they'll arrive here any day now.) Sharon wasn't sure about the rules but kinda thought I should share my to do list with you and then tag five other people. I won't tag you, but if you have writer's block or an interesting to do list, please feel free to play along and act like you've been tagged. And let me know so I can come visit and see what you have to do. (And if you send me a chain e-mail, I probably won't send it on either. I know it means I'll have 97 years of bad luck and all my teeth will fall out, but that's the risk I'll have to take.)

I really like Happy Zombie's to do list--it looks much like mine. But since I'm sure many of you stopping in to visit me have read her blog too, I won't be repetitive. So, without further ado:



  1. Okay, Johnny Depp is spoken for. Sorry.

  2. Since I am a transplanted native Texan, Matthew McConaughey reminds me of home and well.. has to be spoken for already. Though Tom Welling would be on the top of my "To Do" list.

  3. kcquilter and computerpeach: Post your OWN lists! This one's mine, and I'm claiming them! LOL!

  4. I like you. You are my kid of woman. ha ha ha!

  5. And now I know why I read your blog. Hugh Grant is so so yummy. I'd definately "do" him. ;)

  6. I think you forgot Kevin Costner, something I could never do since that scene in Dances With Wolves. sigh~

  7. Hmmm ... you and I think a lot alike ... but I might just trade Hugh for Keanu ... *sigh*

  8. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! Girlfriend you did it this time. You made me roll on the floor laughing. My husband had to come over and take a peek at the laptop to see what the hell was so funny. He said, I dont get it. What was your list?? I said, pack, nails, hair, etc. LOL!!!!!!!!!! Then he started laughing too. Good one. You get the prize for lists.

  9. OMG, I've been rolling on the floor laughing! Maybe add Ryan Gossling (although he's a little young) and Paul Newman (although he's a little old) and Robert Redford (when he was young) and - ah, heck, I call dibbies on Kevin!

    Thanks for the chuckle and smile tonight! LOL

  10. Had to laugh when I read this! Thanks for that:)

  11. HEY, HEY - you took my list!!!!


  12. Your things to do list is perfect except for one thing - they are all just a wee bit too young LOL!

  13. Your to do list sounds much more interesting than mine! Are you going to let us know when each one gets checked off?

  14. I wonder if George knows that I know he's over here. I think you and I should have a talk with him.

    You're so funny and I love your humor!

  15. Now that is the kind of To do list I like, you know I am in complete agreement over george (remember who we would iron for), I may put Hugh a little higher, he really needs me to sort out his fear of commitment, but the rest would work for me...oh would they what!!! tracey


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!