Friday, June 15, 2007

June 29, 1980

Where were you? Do you remember what you were doing?

That photo above is me. And I'm pretty sure the whole clown thing won't surprise a lot of you, will it? But yes, it was a long time ago, and I've aged a bit since then, but isn't it wonderful that there's just something ageless and timeless about clown make-up? (And no, I didn't have a huge, black mole on my neck--it was just something on the scanner!)

My husband loves clowns. He has a veritable art gallery of clown prints hanging up in the garage. Yeah, you didn't really think I'd have them hanging in the house, did you? But being the wonderful wife that I am, I let him do pretty much whatever he wants with the garage as long as it doesn't interfere with the boxes of incredibly valuable stuff I have stored out there. (Of course, I can't really remember what it all IS--but I know it's all VERY important stuff!)

Anyway, for his 25th birthday, I threw him a surprise birthday clown party, and all our friends came in clown make up. Here's our friend Lisa--I've mentioned her a time or two before. You won't see Lisa sleeping much because she's awfully busy and doesn't really sit still for long. In fact, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure she wasn't sleeping here either, because I also have a photo of her not too long before this one, teaching another friend of ours, Peter, how to do tequila shots. Peter was a bit of a slow learner, so Lisa had to show him over and over again. And again. And again. And before long, she was "sleeping." Looks peaceful, doesn't she? Luckily my upholstery was washable.

Despite the fact that it was something like 85 degrees out that night (much of the party took place on a large patio built above my carport) and our make up got a bit streaked and drippy, and despite the fact that my husband (who wasn't yet my husband) showed up an hour late to the party because he didn't know it WAS a party and he and his dad were having a great bonding experience at dinner, he was totally surprised and excited and had a wonderful, memorable birthday.

And looking back at this photo of me in my clown make-up, it seems odd to realize that within a week, I would find out I was pregnant. (I blogged about that story before, but if you haven't read it, you can find it here.) And within two weeks of this party, we were married. Life's kind of funny, isn't it? Especially for us clowns!


  1. Yes, Kim we know you are a great Big CLOWN. This is so cute and what a great idea for a party. Eileen

  2. if it wasn't for that big red nose (it's fake right?) I'd say I remember that make up from the late 70's and early 80's, are you sure it was a clown party?

  3. I'm glad the paintings are in the garage. I find clowns kinda creepy.

  4. Can you believe that my husband and I met on the phone and he wanted me to send him a picture of me. I sent him one of me in full clown makeup so he still couldn't see what I looked like. No wonder I like you.

  5. You are definately a character!! I read your previous post on how you got pregnant. I think after 2 pregnancies on birth control I would consider those kids ordained too. Maybe they won't save the entire world, but just their little piece of it.

  6. Shall have to go and read the how to get pregnant post so i know what not to do!!!
    Clown make up is funny, and I love the progress on the quilt, Tracey

  7. So you're a party animal! You crack me up. Be well!

  8. I saw that picture on Pioneer Woman's flickr of her readers. Looking forward to reading your pregnancy story - I love your stories.

  9. I can't believe how much you have posted while I was gone. And finally, a picture of yourself!I copied it for future reference.


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