Saturday, June 23, 2007


Whew! I'm exhausted! Bet you're wondering why. But even if you're not, I'm telling you anyway. Here's a clue:

Hummm. 46. What does that mean? No fair peeking ahead! What are you guessing? Here's another clue:

Have you figured it out yet? I bet you're close--getting warm! What if I open the bag for you? I'll go ahead and do that. But don't peek yet!

And just so you don't have to get up and walk over here to look inside, I'll go ahead and dump it all out on the table.

There, how's this?

Are you starting to see why I might be pretty tired? Shopping's such hard work! Funny how you can get up at the crack of dawn (7 a.m.) to go shopping and it's a whole different feeling than when you get up at the crack of dawn (7 a.m.) to go to work, isn't it? And, of course, since I was already there, I had to make the whole shopping experience complete and the drive across town worthwhile, so I had to pick up these goodies too:

One of the quilt shops here in town had Fat Quarter Frenzy today, and they sure got the "frenzy" part right! By the time the doors opened at 10 a.m., there were probably about 15 or more of us standing outside. Well, of course, you know me (sort of)--by 9:55, I was inciting the other gals to storm the doors; I figured there were more of us than there were "them." Luckily--for "them"--they opened the doors right about then and started handing out bags. If you bought 25 fat quarters or more, they were $1 each. I was the fourth person through the doors and by the time I checked out, I had filled nearly two bags with these little bundles of joy and possibility. That's what the "46" is--the number of fat quarters I bought.

Oh, and then I just HAD to buy some yardage of two of the prints from the new Roman Holiday line by Three Sisters. And a couple of those addictive charm packs. Oh, yeah, and two spools of YLI thread for the back of the quilt I'm working on. One spool would probably have been enough, but they only had two left, so I figured what the heck. I'd rather have too much than run out. In fact, I think that would be a good motto: I'd rather have too much than run out. Yep, that fits me pretty good. Well, except when it comes to money. I just can't seem to end up with too much money but then I suspect I'm not trying real hard either. Other priorities, doncha know.

And just in case you wanted another photo, here's one of those same fat quarters kind of losely grouped into categories: Thimbleberries (buy-in for my online group's monthly bingo game), reproductions (for my Jo's Little Women Club), sort of "bright and cheerful" fabric, miscellaneous red/white/blue fabric, and miscellaneous fabric from lines I have more of. (Hey, doesn't that almost make it seem like I had a PLAN rather than just wildly elbowing people aside and grabbing up fat quarters and shoving them into my bags?)

Oh, and just so you don't think I'm a flat, single-dimensional kinda gal who does nothing but mess around with fabric, I want you to know that I also read to improve my mind. So on my way home, I ran into Borders with a 40% off coupon and picked up Janet Evanovich's new book:

What IS it with numbers today? First 46 and now 13!

After that, with all the hard work out of the way, I stopped at La Bou for a jumbo iced latte (shopping works up a powerful thirst) and an almond croissant (shopping works up a powerful hunger). Now it's time to go into the Sweat Shop and quilt. Or take a nap. Or both! My husband's working today and playing poker with the "boys" at my friend Lisa's house tonight, so I have a day to play. Woo-hooo! Don't you just LOVE weekends?!


  1. WOWZER - that's quite a haul. Are you making something for me with Roman Holiday? Huh? Are you? Yes?

  2. Wow, that's quite the loot! I almost bought Roman Holiday charm packs myself while enjoying my quilting therapy. I was such a good girl, which surprised me! Maybe if they had a sale I wouldn't have been so good! Love that red fabric. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow! You're a power shopper! I wanna come shopping with you!

  4. I love fat quarter sales....great picks.

  5. Wow! What great fat quarters -- and at $1.00 each who can resist? Oh, except for me -- and the $.80 each fat quarters I bought this weekend. Nowhere near that many -- but hey, I'm supposed to be on a fabric diet!

    I've been thinking about the Roman Holiday line as well -- you chose two of the fabrics I'm pondering...and making it harder for me to resist!

    BTW -- the new Stephanie Plum is a great read, curl up and enjoy!

  6. 46 @$1, someone run over here and pick me up, I am fainting! Oh, I am not fainting at the 46, that would have been me-I am fainting at the price! That's only $5 or $6 less per fat quarter than what we pay!
    I was eyeing off Roman Holiday today as well, what's the plan? Tracey

  7. My goodness you did good! At 1.00 per fat quarter, I guarantee there would have been twice the number of ladies/quilters waiting outside that shop, if it was here. The best we've seen is 1.25 on Fat Tuesday!.
    I like Janet's books as well, I think I've read all the way through number 11, I've got to catch up. They were becoming pretty predictable, so maybe I've forgotten what to

  8. I bet that store was sorry they didn't put a limit on FQ purchases. Did you leave any for the others???

  9. Whew, I worked up a powerful pea-green color just looking at that bag! Good going, Kim! BUT it would have made for a great story if you all HAD stormed the doors! :)

  10. A lap size quilt will be just fine with me. No need to go into the larger size. And Roman Holiday is just perfect. I LOVE IT!!!

    You didn't knock anyone on your way into that shop did you?

  11. loving those fat quarters! can i come swimming in them? have you cut any of them up yet? we need to see a project when you do!! and that roman holiday (one of my favorite movies) is just stunning--i'd have had a hard time walking away from those, too.
    keep stitching--love and God bless---j

  12. Ooooh I want to go shopping with you! Lol* Love your pick's - and you just can't beat $1!!!

  13. Shopping heaven - discount fat quarters and a new Janet Evanovich book.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!