Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Quilter's Block

No deep thoughts today--at least not from me. I welcome any deep thoughts or ideas from you though because I have a problem. I'm in a slump. I'm not sure if it's just a quilting slump or a life slump, but it's feeling more like a quilting slump. After my dad died a few weeks back, I know I was experiencing a life slump for a week or so, but after this past weekend, I'm feeling a little better about things, but darn it! I just can't seem to get very enthusiastic about quilting!

Here are the two projects I'm actively working on now--or maybe "actively working" isn't quite right; "actively ignoring" would be more accurate. Or maybe "actively staring at." Hummm. One is the Jo Morton quilt and it really just needs the border quilted and some quilting inside the appliqued parts. After that, just trimming and binding. I think I want a feather in the border, but can I manage to sit my rear end down and just DO it? No! I've just been looking at the darn thing for two days now.

My other project is adding applique to this basket quilt. I have two more baskets to "fill" and then I need to decide if I want applique in the setting squares and if so, what. Last night I sat on the couch and watched TV. Could I be bothered to pick this thing up and do anything to it? No! Two feet away from me and I just ignored it.

Once I get the Jo Morton quilt done, I can change out my sewing machines and get the Bernina back up on the table where she belongs and do a little piecing. I wondered whether maybe a little retail therapy would jolt me back into quilting mode--kind of like the paddles they zap you with when you're having a heart attack. Nah, not even the thought of shopping excited me. Besides, I have these little goodies waiting for me--an array of squares, strips, and fat eighths of the Chelsea Boutique fabric and charm packs and yardage from the newest Thimbleberries line, Sangria Sunset.

So what do you think? Will this slump just pass on its own? Should I not even think about quilting and take a couple days "off"? Or should I just have at it and hope the enthusiasm comes back? Has this happened to you? It's driving me nuts! I think I'll have a lot of time to quilt this coming weekend; maybe if I can just get myself to finish quilting the Jo Morton quilt, I can tempt myself with the promise of starting something new with one of my little piles of gems. What do you think? Help!


  1. A quilting slump is not uncommon, Kim, especially when you've been dealing with a lot of difficult things. Give yourself some's not a race.

  2. Happens to me all the time Kim. Take a few days off and read a good book. Maybe once the weekend hits you'll be ready to finish off those two projects. Love the new fabrics! What are your plans for them?? Do tell.

  3. I agree - your soul has taken a battering of late - give yourself some breathing space - maybe make something little and easily finished like a new potholder or a little wallhanging - that might then get you back into the swing - but most of all be gentle on yourself

  4. You sound like me with my paper. Gosh, I want so much to be done with it and yet.... sigh..... You quilts look lovely. I started machine quilting the chicken quilt! A little guilt at a time! Be well! Happy quilting!

  5. Or even do something in another media: garden, read, knit, doodle. Everyone has 'downtime'.

  6. I have to agree with everyone else -- give yourself a break. Read a book, read a blog, hang out in the yard, go get a pedicure (my sure fire cure for a lot of things). Remember, this is supposed to be FUN!

  7. I, also, have to agree with everyone else - relax and do what your heart wants you to do. If you just want to sit - then do it. I went through a severe slump before Christmas and into the first of the year that I didn't think would ever pass and then suddenly I got my MOJO back. It'll come back, Kim!

    I've read several blogs where they, too are suffering from sort of slump or unhappiness with their passion. It will pass!

    Give yourself a break!

  8. I'm going through a time-out with my quilting too Kim.

    I decided to jump on some spring cleaning projects... I'm sure that'll get old REAL quick and I'll be aching to sew! lol.

  9. Like they say Kim, Just go to bed and read. This to shall pass. Eileen

  10. Sounds like maybe you're starting to come out of your slump if your talking about doing chair covers. I think quilting slumps are something we all go through at times. I know I've read about them on many blogs, and I've experienced them myself. Eventually they pass, even if it seems they won't. One day you'll get up, see something that excites you and off you'll go - slump ended. Just don't stress and worry about it - that won't get you anywhere.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!