Monday, May 7, 2007

Little Bits of This and That

The last couple of days, I've blogged a few rants and stories and haven't mentioned much about some of the little things that have happened in my life that I wanted to share, so I thought tonight I'd fill in the "gap."

First of all, because we all like to look at photos and hear stories about the nice things husbands do sometimes, I wanted to share with you the blueberry muffins my husband surprised me with on Saturday morning. Yum! No pretty plate and charming presentation, but who cares if you don't have to do the work, right?! As long as there's fresh coffee to go along with a treat like this, I'm happy!

I know it's an odd thing to share, but I wanted to tell you about a death notice I came across in the local newspaper. Friday I was in our kitchen at work, waiting for a pot of coffee to brew, and I thought I'd flip though the local news section while I was waiting. This section also contains the obituaries, and although I rarely read them, as I was flipping pages my attention was caught by the obit of a doctor. Since my firm's clients are doctors, I wondered if it was anyone we "knew." Nope, but it sure was funny for an obit. I'll give you a link to read it yourself, but the part that cracked me up was this: "He was the adored husband of Georgia (most of the time), and a wonderful parent to his two children . . . ." Since the obit references his "dry wit and sense of humour," I'm guessing he must have written the notice himself before he passed away. I don't know about you, but I think it's pretty cool that this guy could maintain a sense of humor in the face of death. Anyway, here's the link:

Are you tired of Prince stories? One of the reasons my ears perked up when "C" mentioned naming her quilt after a Prince song was because I just LOVED his music back in the days of Purple Rain. Following the movie, Prince went on tour in 1984/1985, and I was beside myself with excitement when I was able to get tickets for me and my sister-in-law. If I remember correctly, the concert was scheduled for early March. In mid-February, we celebrated my kids' first and fourth birthdays at a pizza parlor. That night, I experienced a sudden, sharp pain that felt a lot like what I would imagine a heart attack to feel like, but the worst of the pain was in my back and it was more on the right side. The pain passed and I felt fine the next day. Two nights later, though, the pain hit again. Needless to say, the next morning I was in the doctor's office. At first they thought it might be an ulcer and put me on a bland diet, but I continued having the discomfort, so they sent me for further tests. Well, as you may have already figured out, it was my gallbladder, and it needed to come out. Unfortunately, this was a couple years before they started doing laparoscopic procedures, so it was major surgery. To further complicate the situation, by the time they diagnosed the diseased gallbladder, I had become jaundiced, and they had to rule out hepatitis before they could send me to surgery--and I was in quarantine for a week! There's more to the story, but suffice it to say that I was still in the hospital by the time Prince came to town and I missed the concert. Darn gallbladder! I can't tell you how extremely disappointed I was. Like "C," I've always enjoyed his music--even the songs with the highly questionable lyrics. And what a vocal range he has! I think his "Artist Formerly Known As" period did a lot to damage his career, or maybe it was his choice to semi-retire for awhile; too bad, because the guy has talent. I still think it's funny to think of his fan base as all of us middle aged grandmas though!

Tonight I'm trying to finish the quilting on a fall/Halloween quilt. I have a Thimbleberries Club meeting on Wednesday night and would like to have it done for show and tell, if I can. It doesn't seem like I've really accomplished very much this month, so I thought I ought to get on the ball. Maybe I'll have a little eye candy for you in the next couple days though. Watch for it.

And, also tonight if I ever get to bed, I'll finally get to start reading this:

I've been so envious of other quilters who have blogged about getting their copy before I received mine! Once it did arrive, I was in the middle of a Sue Grafton book; I finally finished that last night so now it's on to this one.

Well, I think that's all for news about me and the miscellaneous pieces of my life. Happy quilting!


  1. Blueberry muffins are my favorite..

  2. Which Sue Grafton? I've read A-S. I have Quilter's Homecoming but it is in the bag for Auntie. I let her read them first.

  3. Oh, I finished a couple of weeks ago - a great read. It's a shame we have to wait another year for the next one. Sigh! :-)

  4. Sorry about the gall bladder-and P
    rince- but you have no excuses not to eat as much pizza...and cream...and other gall bladder annoyiing stuff as you want now!
    Love those muffins and I'm off to read the obits, Tracey

  5. The muffins look great! What a good guy!!!

    Do you think that man is sitting up in heaven smiling about the fact you've mentioned him in your blog? lol!


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