Sunday, May 27, 2007

I'm a Failure

Have you ever had the carrot bread they serve at Mimi's? I know Mimi's has restaurants in several states, so perhaps you have. My husband and I ate at Mimi's for the first time a month or two ago and have been back a couple times since. I just love that bread! (And their salads and soups too.) So, when I last went to the grocery store, I carried with me a copy of a bread recipe I found online for Mimi's carrot bread and gathered up all the ingredients I needed to make my own. I finally got around to making it this morning. (Remember yesterday I said I might to a little baking? Well, I couldn't very well let you all down, could I?!)

So this is the result.

Normally I wouldn't have shared this photo. I would have not said anything and let you all think that I'm perfect, but I just couldn't do that. So I'm airing my dirty laundry for all to see. The second loaf wouldn't even come out of the pan without breaking in half!

I'm guessing the problem is that the recipe said to bake it for an hour, and I should have pulled it out after about 40 minutes. The recipe also said the pans shouldn't be greased or floured, but I think it might have helped. I was instructed to use 8" bread pans. Frankly, I didn't measure them, so maybe they were too large, but I don't think so. Being a quilter, you kind of get a feel for what 6", 8", and 12" looks like. Finally, the recipe said to divide the batter into two pans, but I think maybe I should have just used one pan if I was going to bake it for an hour.

I'm now trying to redeem myself with a pan of my Happy Cow mac and cheese. I noticed yesterday that I had a fair amount of miscellaneous cheese in the fridge, and there's nothing better to drown your baking sorrows in than some really good mac and cheese. I just hope my baking biorhythms aren't in decline and it turns out okay.

I'm also a failure when it comes to doing any housecleaning and decorating for summer. I've been locked in the Sweat Shop most of the day, working on that quilt project. Here's a photo of the work in progress:

At least I'm not feeling like a failure when it comes to quilting! I'm pretty happy with it so far. I still need to trim up the squares and sew them together; then I'll have to be patient and await my next delivery from the Fat Quarter Shop so I'll have the additional charm squares and fabric I need for the applique. Maybe I should practice baking while I wait!

Author's Note: The mac and cheese came out so-so. I think it was the cheese. Or my baking biorhythms. I think I'll stay out of the kitchen the rest of the weekend. Maybe the rest of the year.


  1. Sorry about the carrot bread (never had it . . never been to Mimi's) but thanks for the recipe for Mac & Cheese. I've been wanting to make some and don't really have a favorite recipe.

    I love that quilt. Is it a pattern? Is there applique going on that quilt?

  2. That quilt is gorgous! I was a failure today at doing the laundry if that makes you feel any better...

  3. very pretty quilt. i love it. very cool how it is put together - is it a pattern (if so, what is the name?) Sorry about the bread- I am not a carrot bread/cake person so I can't offer help.

  4. Oh, I really like how that quilt is looking now! I couldn't picture the finished product from yesterday's photos - knowing how you are setting it makes all the difference.

    I think our kitchens know when we'd rather be somewhere else - like sewing. I know mine does - all it turns out is boring meals!

  5. Love that quilt and re: the baking-YOU ARE MY GURU, PEOPLE WHISPER YOUR NAME AROUND HERE.(in awe!!).... therefore you just get right back in that kitchen until that bread is good enough to come to Australia!!
    Actually, it looks to me like you need what I use for all those break in half and break your heart as they come out things and that is "glad-bake" or whatever they call the really good quality baking paper that lets you lift the whole thing out effortlessly and never grease or flour again.
    There, there's some advice from a non-guru! have a great day!! tracey

  6. Your quilt is lovely -- even if the bread didn't turn out. Staying out of the kitchen and in the sweatshop sounds about right -- I like cooking well enough, but I'd much rather sew!

  7. I think you are being a bit hard on yourself. I love that sign "Dull Women have Immaculate Homes". Plus your bread looks lovely - who hasn't had something like that break off? I am a bit of a control freak, but where better to admit to a few failings than on a blog where hardly anyone knows you?

  8. I did wonder yesterday when I looked at your squares how you would arrange them - I really like this - a log cabin type arrangement without the faff of all those logs (just too bone idle me) Can't wait to see what applique you add to it. As for the baking I get times like that where things just don't go right - sometimes I reckon its the time of the month and the hormones have something to do with it

  9. Forget about the food the quilt is outstanding---I love the pattern and colors.

  10. Wow, Kim, the quilt looks beautiful. If you wow everyone with your quilts they're more than willing to overlook you failings in the kitchen!

    Look for some of those paper bread pans in a specialty shop. I hear that their wonderful for sweet breads.

  11. Oh, what a disappointment with the carrot bread! I am sure it was the pan size being bigger than the recipe called for. That has happened to me too-you have to reduce the cooking time when you spread the batter out thinner in the bigger pans.
    Your quilt in progress is just gorgeous! No need to apologize for anything when you can create something so beautiful.

  12. But did it taste ok??

    Wowwee! The quilt is awesome!! I love that. I like seeing all these wonderful quilts. It motivates me to venture into new territory (not just nine patches, log cabins or YBR!). Keep up the great work!! :)

  13. LOVE the quilt! That turned out great. I might have to put that on my list of things to try.

  14. Boy when you get over a slump you go whole hog. BTW instead of carrot bread you better stick to quilting. LOL!

    Now I am sure I don't care for Sangria Sunset this year. Nice work, but to me it doesn't look like Lynette. I am however glad you are back in the swing of things. Housework can wait.

    Linda Z


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