Monday, May 21, 2007

Back to the Mundane

Thank you all for visiting my blog and leaving comments when something strikes you as noteworthy. I enjoy hearing from you, even if you just say "hi"! Some of you don't have an e-mail address attached to your comments, so I can't write back, but I want you to know that I appreciate the comments you leave. And if any of you ever wants to e-mail me directly rather than leave a public comment, you can do so by going to my profile and clicking on "e-mail." Oftentimes, too, I'll read your comments and "follow" you back to your own blog. I love the way we can all communicate with one another through the magic of the internet!

By way of an addendum and in response to some of your comments, my first marriage ended 30 years ago, and sometimes it seems like it all happened to someone else. It's been a long time, and I can shake my head and laugh about it now. I don't know why I seemed to have such odd people around me when I was younger, but maybe that's what attracted me to quilting--it's so traditional! Still, I have a few more stories to tell about the people I've met along the way and the things that I've done, and I will tell them to you eventually. Nothing as surprising as the story of my first husband though, which is probably just as well! I think one of the "lessons" I've learned is that people are all different; sometimes in ways that we can see and sometimes in ways that are hidden from us. Although I'm essentially a "hermit" at heart, I love to meet people and find out about their lives, and I think that's one of the really fun aspects of visiting all your blogs.

Before I forget, C'tina asked how Sunday breakfast with my husband's family went. Well, I didn't go. I know, I know, you're probably disappointed in me, but I'll tell you why. After I posted and read the comments left for me, and my friend Eileen told me I HAD to go, I decided I would. Someone suggested I just order an English muffin and sample a little of my husband's breakfast, and that sounded like a reasonable compromise. So, Saturday evening I asked my husband what the plan was, and he told me he was supposed to meet his sister at her house at 8 a.m. 8 A.M.! Is the sun even UP at 8 A.M.? Okay, that's just a slight exaggeration--I know the sun's up by 7 a.m. because that's when I get up for work, but to be at my sister-in-law's house by 8 a.m., I would have to get up at about 6 a.m. On a Sunday!

Reading the look of horror on my face, my husband laughed and assured me that no one really expected me to come. And my good friend Eileen suggested that maybe they decided to have breakfast that early so I WOULDN'T come! So, having convinced myself that if these crazy people wanted to have breakfast practically in the middle of the night, they really didn't need to have me there with an IV of coffee in my arm and toothpicks propping my eyes open, did they? No. So I slept until 9 a.m. Good thing too, because you know that idea of sharing my husband's breakfast? He had chorizzo and eggs. I'm sure that would not have set well on my stomach even if I could get past the whole lack of sleep thing.

And speaking of my husband, he puttered around in the garage all day yesterday (after he came home from breakfast) and came up with another of his wacky creations which now graces our patio. He has a plan to attach one of the sprinkler heads to a faucet and position it so it looks like this gal's "bath" is filling with water. This little piece of garden art will go into a flower bed that is now full of weeds and needs to be cleared out.

I worked all weekend--when I wasn't grocery shopping, cooking, or cleaning house--on making covers for my desk chair. I made the covers reversible so I can change the look from spring/summer to fall/winter. Of course, they're removeable and washable. You can see a "before" photo here for comparison.



I'm not totally happy with the lacing/bow in the back but I'm not sure what I'd rather do. It seems like a more flowing ribbon would be pretty, but I don't want Spike (seen just above, lurking) to start attacking the chair. I may just re-lace it similar to the way tennis shoes are laced and leave it for now. Any suggestions?

I have another chair to cover, and my husband suggested using his old Levi's, which was a really great idea! He's been giving them to me for the last several years in case I want to use them in quilts, so I have plenty. I think covering his chair will go much quicker since I won't have to quilt the fabric first or make it reversible. But I think I'm over my quilting slump now and ready to get back to "work," so I think that chair will have to wait a bit.


  1. The chair turned out really nice! I like the ribbon like that, but it might be fun to try it different ways. Denim would be VERY COOL on the chair. I'm anxious to see what you do! :)

  2. ouch, 8 am? I'm more of a 'brunch' type...

  3. I agree - breakfast at 8 is WAY too early for me.

    The chair is just awesome! I like the way it is done - reversable too! Cool Beans!

  4. The chair cover is way cool. I like the way you did the lacing.

    And tell Pat that I think is lady taking a bath is really neat. Quit picking on him.

    Linda Z

  5. The chair covers turned out really nice. I'm one of the horrid morning people. I can't function after 9:00pm.

  6. The chair covers turned out very nicely, Kim. Way to go!

    I wonder if DH realizes that the "bubbles" don't quite cover the lady's top. So very cute!

  7. So why didn't you tell me that the floral cover was the other side.? I thought it was the old chair cover. Really great idea.
    Love Pat's gal in a tub. She could be watering the grass.

    So what's that stuff that Pat had for breakfast?


  8. The chair cover is terrific! Great job!

    It's been interesting to read about you and your life! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love your hubby's creation! However, I think he should have given it short hair and placed a beer near by! lol Your chair cover turned out nice. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Ha ha! The lady in the tub thingie is really cute! He could sell those!

  11. People EAT at 8 AM? UGH!

    Your husband's creation is adorable and I am really impressed with your chair cover! I've been looking for just the right chair for my office -- but this is letting me know that no matter WHAT the chair's "actual" cover looks like -- um, I can change it. I think you've just saved me a ton of money!

  12. Love Sally in the tub! She is wonderful! She's great! As is the chair cover.

    And Chorizo and Eggs sounds great;)

  13. Okay, sorry, just reread the post and realized that her name is not Sally. I swear I saw that in the post. She's still cute!

  14. Oh my gosh, your (current) husband is a nut too! His bath tub thing is a riot!

  15. Ok, so we all know you dont really "do" breakfast, but, no, we didn't make it at that time so you wouldn't come. That was the time Mom & Dad got out of church. It was earlier than I even get up to go to work.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!