Friday, April 20, 2007

The Weekend's Here!

Yippeee! It seems like it's been a long week, and I think part of that feeling is due to having only had one day last weekend to putter around the house. I've been looking forward to this all week. I'm planning to stay home and quilt and maybe, just maybe, do a little housecleaning, but that's optional.

I've been working on a quilt top this week, using the strips I cut from my scrap drawer, and I hope to have it done tomorrow so I can post a photo. Next on my quilting agenda is a block for this year's Thimbleberries block of the month and a Jo's Little Women quilt. And, when I need a change of pace, I still have my applique block to work on. I have about half the pieces prepared. Of course, I don't think I'll get all of this done this weekend, but I hope to get a good start.

Here's the last of the "stuff" my mom sent home with me last weekend--or at least a few of them. I'm going to put these away because I think they're kind of cool, but I'm not sure what we'll do with the rest of the box full of vinyl record albums. She insisted my husband told her some time back that he wanted them. Not so said my husband later, but that's my mom for you. She has a tendency to make things up that way, and I kinda think she even comes to believe her own stories. A couple times she's given me junky little things and insisted that I made them for her in school when I was a child. Of course, the "Made in China" stickers on the back were dead giveaways. Over the years, I've found it's easier to just go along with whatever it is, so now we have this box of albums. Who knew she liked Kenny Rogers enough to buy five of his albums? And Nipsy Russell comedy albums? Several, in fact. Yeah, that's about the era of most of them--1970s or so. Not old enough to be all that interesting; not even the album covers. Well, maybe my husband can find some weird use for them in creating some kind of garden art or something!

Have a good weekend, and happy quilting or whatever you chose to do!


  1. Actually, the LPs are probably from the 1950s and 1960s. I collect old rock & roll LPs (you know: Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep, Pink Floyd) and I actually have a working turntable. That's me, the audiophile.

  2. Thanks for the memories! My dad had the Herb Alpert album and I remember hanging out in the living room, listening to it on the console stereo. Remember those...the stereo used to be an enormous piece of furniture! Sounds like you have loads of treasures...and if there are albums you don't want you could sell them to a record dealer or on ebay! Have a great weekend.

  3. I am really getting a kick out of reading your blog! We have boxes of those albums around, but nothing to play them on anymore. We have moved them all over the country. My husband won't get rid of them. You must be one of the last people in America to make your own mac and cheese! I haven't done that in ages and it sounds really good! As for those gold boots--reminds me of the wicked witch of the north in the Wizard of Oz. Your shoe polish might work. Or maybe some antiquing gel. Be sure and show them when you are done.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!