Saturday, April 14, 2007

Just in Case I Disappear . . .

Do you ever read someone's blog and see that they've posted something about family or health problems and then they just seem to disappear for quite some time? You check back every day or so, and they still haven't posted? If you're like me, you probably wonder what's happened and whether everything's okay--even if you don't really know that person very well or haven't read their blog for very long. But I think we quilters tend to be pretty compassionate and caring people, so we're just made that way, don't you think? Or are we just nosey?! LOL!

I've had some sad news today that may take me away from blogland for a bit; or maybe it won't take me away long enough for anyone to notice. I debated with myself about whether I should post something just in case you came looking for me and I wasn't here, and I finally decided I would.

You may have followed my posts about my parents' car accident and know that they were in a nursing home for awhile. I'm pretty sure I mentioned sometime this week that my mom was discharged home. Well she called today to tell us my dad has a bleed in his brain and has been moved back to the hospital. At his age and in his physical condition, there's really no way to treat it, so it's just a matter of time before he passes away. It may happen this weekend, or he might linger for a week or two.

While I am very sad to see my dad's life coming to a close, I've seen his health deteriorate over the last several years. He has constant back pain and cannot stand up straight. He's had quadruple bypass surgery, and he's had surgery for prostate cancer. He's so hard of hearing, he barely knows what's being said around him. In the last year or so, I've seen his mind start to deteriorate as well. He's 81 years old and has lived a good life. I think it's time. Or at least my brain is resigned; my heart is another matter. But I'll be alright. I know it's really a blessing, because I don't think he would have ever gone home again, and I know he would not have been happy living in a nursing home without my mom.

My husband, daughter, and I will be going up to visit him and spend some time with my mom tomorrow (Saturday); my brother and his wife will join us, and they'll stay there for at least a few days. We should be back home tomorrow evening, but after that, I don't know how frequently I'll be traveling back and forth or what will happen. I'll post when I can, and I'm sure I'll be checking in on everyone's blogs to see what you all are doing. I suspect I'll quilt when I'm home and have time, because it's about the best therapy I can think of! If I find any time for quilting, I'll share with you whatever I'm up to. Meanwhile, if you notice I'm gone, at least you know why.


  1. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Your friends in blogland will be here for you when you return. Take care.

  2. You take care and watch over your mom. This has got to be very scary for her, too. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

  3. Oh Kim, thank you for telling us~ Being Saturday I'm checking up on some blogs and of course yours was first on the list. I'm glad you let us know, those of us who are praying people will be praying for you and your family, and those who are not praying people I'm sure are thinking of you, which is just as good.
    Warm hugs, and you go do what you need to do for your mom and dad and your family and I'll come iron your sheets for you~

  4. Kim, thanks for writing about it. I would have wondered what was going. I'm sorry to read that your dad's health has deteriorated. Sending you cyber hugs! If there's anything I can do, that would include entertaining George or Brad, let me know! Take care!

  5. Sending hugs! Take care of you and yours!

  6. Oh Kim, I am so sorry. My prayers and my hugs are with you.

  7. Prayers go out for your dad and family. May his passing be peaceful.

  8. You know I'm "here" for you, Kim. Take care!

  9. Kim, I'm sorry that you are faced with these sad circumstances. Through your blog you have made many friends who will keep you in their thoughts and prayers; I am one of them. I wish you strength to get you through this and grace to keep you when you are sad or blue. Take care. Hugs, Connie

  10. Kim,
    Please know that many prayers are being lifted up for you and your family. There are just times when all else rightfully goes on the 'back-burner' & this is definitely one of them. Thank you for sharing about your parents, as many of us are in the same position. My heart & prayers are with you.
    xo, - Bren

  11. Prayers are going out to you and your family...

  12. Kim I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayeers. Post when you can.

    Linda Z


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