Monday, April 2, 2007

Food, Fabric, Fun

Sorry you couldn't make it by for breakfast yesterday--you missed a great breakfast treat! Blueberry crumble French toast stuffed with honey sweetened cream cheese and blueberry preserves. Yum! We ate out on the patio and enjoyed the lovely spring weather.
After breakfast, I got busy playing with fabric--specifically my spring-y looking bright quilt that I've been quilting for the last century or so! I don't know about you, but when something takes THIS LONG, I really start getting antsy to move on to something else. As I was quilting, I found my mind wandering to a couple applique projects that are "in progress," thinking that maybe I could take a break from quilting and switch gears. Or maybe I could wrap a couple more Easter eggs--I got a nice fat package of perle cotton in the mail from Herrschner's on Saturday for that purpose. But no, I made myself keep on quiltin'. I did take a little break, though, to write my April Fool's post about--what else--the tendency we quilters have to wander from one project to the next--lol! In any event, by bedtime last night, I was starting to see the light at the end of the quilted tunnel. I think maybe, just maybe, I'll have this thing done by next weekend if I persevere! Meanwhile, I have a Jo's Little Women Club meeting on Wednesday night with nothing to show for the last month. I did finish a little basket quilt at the class I took from Jo Morton, but that's been sent off to a good friend in Maryland for some hand quilted magic. The other class project is still on my design wall, needing a couple more appliqued flowers and then a whole lot of piecing--which is probably what started my mind wandering in the first place yesterday.
I go through periods--loooooong periods--where I really don't feel like cooking, interspersed with periods--short periods--where I get in the mood. Apparently I was in the mood yesterday for at least a couple hours because not only did I make French toast for breakfast but I also made homemade pizza for dinner. Yum again! It was a great day for eating at my house!

Last week, my buddy Kairle sent me a link to a blog called Cream Puffs in Venice. Great looking food, and I had to try out the pizza recipe she posted on March 18th. I added sliced Roma tomatoes to mine, but it was otherwise the same. Definitely one I'll have to make again!

Tonight, I think, might be a chicken Caesar salad night. (And I just may be moving into that period of not wanting to cook much, but that remains to be seen.) My chicken Caesar salads are wonderful--and very quick and simple. I'll have to tell you more about it next time. Until then, happy quilting!


  1. Yum! Your pizza looks much better than the one we just ordered from Pizza Hut. Good job!

    I've spent a lot of this past weekend baking goodies for a family party that we had yesterday.

  2. Yum...both of your meals look delicious! You are making me hungry.


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