Saturday, April 7, 2007


A clean house with a warm breeze blowing through, carrying with it the scent of newly mown grass. An iced latte, a handful of chocolate Easter candy, and a small pile of discarded pastel foil wrappers. Relaxing on the couch, watching TV, and binding a quilt that's FINALLY done! Looking forward to dinner OUT. Can life get much better? I hope you are all enjoying the weekend as much as I am!


  1. Sounds like you have it made. Good for you!

  2. No, thjere is very little better...the dinner out really decides it. Loved your traditions, and they all just start because it was fun one day and we all want to relive the fun over and over again-it makes us feel like we are not growing up/old.
    Thanks so much for your help with all my apples, eventually the pile will're a dear! tarcey

  3. You are too cute.... enjoy the day...


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