Sunday, March 18, 2007

An Old Friend

Today I "played" around the house a little bit, getting out some spring decorations and packing up the last of the winter decorations. I still have a some spring-i-fying to do around here, but at least I've begun. And I've made a startling discovery! I don't have nearly enough springtime quilts! Of course, if I EVER get back to my skewed version of the Rabbits Prefer Chocolate BOM, I could add that one to the spring inventory. That's high on my list of priorities, and in the coming week or so, I hope to share with you a few photos of the blocks I've completed thus far. In the meantime, I have a pinned quilt that is pretty darn bright--yellow, lime green, pink, red--and I've started the quilting on that one. Definitely outside my normal color boundaries, but it's kind of fun!

In "dressing" the beds for spring, I pulled out an appliqued farm-theme quilt that I made some years back. In fact, I think this was probably only the third or fourth quilt I made, and it really got me hooked on quilting because it was so much fun to design and make.
It's been in a few shows and done fairly well for itself, but for some reason, I haven't used it on a bed since the last show a few years ago--I know this because I found a plastic tie inside the hanging sleeve. Well, it's out now and brightening up my son's former--and on a few occasions, "current"--room. When I got it out of my quilt cupboard I felt like I was greeting an old friend! That first picture of the sun is the top panel of the quilt--I sure had a lot of fun quilting his (her?) face!

This frenzy of decorating for spring (okay, it just feels kind of like a "frenzy" because I'd otherwise be sitting on my rear and quilting!) began when I went to the mailbox for yesterday's mail (yes, it's been a little hectic here with the folks' accident and arrangements), and found this cute little rabbit waiting for me, courtesy of a little online shop I found called Cute Pink Stuff. My rabbit's not pink though--I don't "do" pink much. My guy's an antique white. My husband liked the rabbit too, but about the first thing he asked me was, "Do you know it's got a spot on its nose where the paint's worn off?" Men! I don't think they get the whole "faux antique" concept!
And see those Hershey's Kisses in the rabbit's tray? They were a gift from my husband yesterday when he went shopping to pick up a few things--a whole bag! The really funny thing is that he used my credit card in the first place, and in the second place, the bag was found mysteriously opened a little bit later. My husband says it was the cats that got into the chocolate, but I'm suspicious!

1 comment:

  1. Great quilt, Kim! It's looks great on the bed. Fabulous detail on Mr. Sun's face.

    I have similar issues at my house with candy theives. I have a hurricane lamp that has Easter candy in the bottom section. My family removes the candle and takes candy from the bottom. Obviously, they still haven't figured out the difference between a decoration and a candy jar!


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