Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Do You Ever Wish You Could Teach a Cat . . .

. . . to clean house? If you have a cat, you know that they get these insane bursts of energy when they race around the house at warp speed. My goofy little one had just such an attack this morning, jumping up on the bed, crouched down, ears back, eyes wide, so excited that her claws were caught in the bedding and she couldn't move! LOL! Once she got herself unstuck, though, she was off like a rocket. Then back. Then off again. Then up on top of the curtain rod, wondering if she could get away with a tight rope balancing act. Then off again. On and on until she collapsed on the bed, exhausted and panting. Wouldn't it be nice to put all that energy to constructive use? Cleaning, doing dishes, vacuuming? Heck, if I could find a way to transfer it, I could probably run my sewing machine off the energy generated by one cat in that state! Horse power for the car's engine? Nope! Just harness up a couple of cats and away you'd go! Until they wanted to take a nap, of course, which would probably be most of the time. And that, my friends, is exactly WHY you can't teach a cat to clean house!


  1. I'd just like to teach mine that it's kitty litter is a far more acceptable place to pee than the bath!!
    And love the thimbleberries quitl in previous post. Cheers, Tracey
    Thanks for the book advice, I'll look it up.

  2. Cats?! Heck, I'd be happy if I could get my kids to clean the house! LOL!

  3. Wait! What? KIDS clean house? Ha! Impossible! At least cats don't usually make as many messes! LOL!


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