Friday, March 30, 2007

Are You Reading This?

If you are, welcome to my blog! If you're not--well, you're missing out on my pearls of wisdom and skewed sense of humor, but maybe you'll find me someday! LOL!

What got me thinking was that I found out today a friend of mine who lives up with the Eskimos and dog sleds in New Brunswick, Canada, reads my blog quite often and I didn't know. Okay, I know she doesn't really live with Eskimos and dog sleds, but we like to tease her and pretend to be dumb Americans!

Speaking of dumb Americans, though, I'm not very knowledgeable about world geography. I just love having the map on my blog so I can see where my visitors are from, but I'll admit that I don't always know exactly WHERE you all are--what country or what part of the country. Or even sometimes--YIKES!--what state! Shame on me! I'm hoping that as I have visitors popping in from all over the world, I'll start to get a better grasp of geography.

If you've read my first blog entry, you know that I ended up with a blog by accident. A couple of us were trying to prod our friend Kairle--the first of us with a blog--to start posting again after a long hiatus. In trying to leave a comment on Kairle's blog, I ended up creating a blog of my own. What I didn't know until I started my own blog is that you can go into a blogger's profile and e-mail them directly instead of leaving a comment (which often requires you to have your own blog or a Google account)--or at least you can if they've chosen to list an e-mail address. So if you read my posts and want to say something but can't leave a comment on the blog, feel free to e-mail me. Just don't e-mail me mean or rude comments; but then I suspect that most people who find my blog are quilters, and quilters are the nicest people I know!

In fact, I thought I'd share with you a photo of a few of the nice people I know, people I've met through quilting. This was taken at a small retreat we had in Utah this past October. Three of the gals came from different parts of Canada, and several of us were from the U.S. No, I'm not in this photo and I won't name names to protect the guilty, but we sure did have a lot of fun shopping and sewing!

Now, just a little follow up on yesterday's blog. My husband served dinner tonight--nothing fancy, just KFC that I picked up on the way home. Remember the "throw away" issue? Tonight we had dinner on--what else?--paper plates. Okay, not just paper plates though. HALLOWEEN paper plates! See, I think he's plotting to get rid of everything in the kitchen. Or do you think maybe it's just because he didn't feel like doing dishes any more than I felt like cooking?! Nah! Conspiracy theories are much more fun!

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